Learning 2 languages at the same time

For professional requirements, I have a need to learning German and Japanese quickly. While I understand that language is not something which we can acquire fast however currently I dont have much choice.
So i wanted to understand from learners who have learned multiple languages at the same time whether it is possible to combine these two and learn fast. if yes, then can you give me some suggestions which might help me in my progress?
Thank you in advance!!!

Why do you keep writing the same thing over and over? It will not help you get the answer you want.

Sorry I wants aware that I can edit the post location.

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what do you think for yourself?

Do you have the feeling that the set forced goals are any realistic according to your current language background?

I find myself having to learn so much about the very language basics, just because I started my 3rd language and have not that much experience with grammar about 5-10 other languages.

How many languages to you currently speak?

I have been learning Portuguese (Brazil) as my first Romance language (group 1) for about one year and eight months, totally from scratch; no, I surely did not put 4-6h, 8h or 10 hours/day into it.

Without a professional teacher, 1-on-1 lessons, 4-6+ hour full-time course per day, classroom interactions, you can IMHO forget about your quickly phrasing.

A DuoLingo tree like EN-PT will take about about one year to complete…at least (this was on the old tree, old Duo strength system, pre-crowns).
That was with 69 skills; the new updated EN-PT tree now has 91 skills.

Germans trees (EN-DE and EN-DE) are quite long too…

For professional requirements

So the question stays: Full time immersion or not?
In your spare time or can you totally replace your business job for 4-5 months?

Honestly, I would not be able to use my self-taught language in a professional environment, not yet:
Reading complicated longer texts (lots of new vocabulary), listening well to slow or fast speaking native speakers, writing my own thoughts…even after that longer time I had invested into…

My feeling after all my previous hard efforts is:
It will probably take me about ~3-5 years; personal factor at least 2-3x or even more…for my easy foreign language.

The 1st/2nd or 3rd languages are always the most complicated ones, aren’t they? :wink:

Answer from Steve about 750hours German:

And now compare for yourself the estimates ~600h vs 750h vs 2200h!

  • Do I think you can learn both in PARALLEL quickly? No.

To learn something really quickly, you would have to put ALL your available efforts into one thing only…6,8…10 hours per day; the more, the better.

I am a native German speaker.
If you e.g read the threads in the DuoLingo discussions from other users, you might get to the final conclusion that the German grammar may be not THAT easy to learn without any difficulties.
Not everyone has completed his/her DuoLingo German tree within 1,5 years or more (or may have indeed stopped learning!).

  • Do I think that you can learn BOTH languages in parallel? Yes!

Because of the less similarities between both languages…there is not much which you could confuse (if you compare that to Germanic or Romance languages and high similarities between each other)…

…but depending on your daily hours spent on both, I do not think that you can get them to a quite HIGH professional level very quickly at the same time.

If you like, you can test the mobile app www.lingodeer.com in parallel to Memrise for Japanese.

Try for yourself, how much you can learn in 30-60 minutes or 2-4h++ per day.
Try to find your personal daily limit.
You might find the FAQ informations from VT The Vocabulary Trainer interesting.

Another example:
I was able to “learn” 1000 Spanish words in 11 days in 20 hours on www.lingvist.com end of last year, where I actually had to put 2-3h+ per day into to push over the 50words/day goal to see NEW ~100-150 words.
Their “practice review stack” works quite different than Memrise (I had a lower correctness percentage, this means several repetitions).
If I had continued with reviewing those learned Spanish words in 2018…maybe I could have progressed further and would not forget.

Please let us know what you could actually achieve in your first month(s), in how many hours per day, how many words in German and Japanese (Kana/Kanji) you have learned and how any 50:50, 60:40 or 70:30 weighting concepts for German:Japanese or vise versa could help you to make a continous forward progress.

We would be interested to hear from you again.

Good luck with your mission!

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Try doing the German course first, then the Japanese one from German.


I came across your other Japanese thread from another suggested thread and searched back to this.

How is it going learning both languages after 5 months?

How many kanjis/hiragana/katakana symbols have you learned so far?

As a native speaker I am curious: Do you enjoy learning German?

I would probably enjoy to mainly learn German as it is “only” rated by FSI with 900 classroom hours (instead of 2200): https://forum.duolingo.com/comment/29518040/FSI-changed-their-estimates-for-German-and-French-and-added-Haitian-Creole-to-their-S3-R3-table

So your learning success will be definitely faster on German.

88 weeks (5h+/day) with FSI or 64 weeks (7h+/day) by DLI and 2200+ total hours and 2-3 more hours per day homework is clearly a very huge investment in a language to reach the R3/S3 proficiency levels.

Splitting your learning experience between both non-related languages and seeing a constant progress with German more quickly may make it even possible for you to learn Japanese over the long-term…this is probably how I would do it…be patient :wink:

You can also enable the Japanese (TTS) audio if some audio uploads are misisng in courses: [Feedback] Advanced Japanese Vocabulary course no longer displays phonetic kana readings in reviews

Best regards