Learned word/time graph

Will it be reimplemented for PRO subscribers like it used to be? It was somehow the most interesting graph for the learning details for pro users. Although it would have been great to see the graph from the real beginning of 0 words.

still an up-to-date problem.

Hi Zyme, the graph will most likely not be re-implemented.

A decision was made to remove this feature due to some nasty performance issue it was causing us. We will be adding new features to the Learning stats page in the future.

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Thanks for the info.

Sorry to hear that, it seemed one of the most useful feature of the pro version… in overall, I do not see much in the pro version. I had bought it one year ago, I like Memrise very much… but I mostly use the features, which are present in standard version anyway.

(What to do with difficult words? … it is not really that helpful … or listening skill, the meet the natives - it is actually present in only one single course I attend and I attend many many … downloading would be great, but it never worked…
In sum: the only useful feature of the Pro - version is the statistics, which kind of motivates me … and this graph was most useful of all … on the statistics I dislike, it is calculated only from small excerpt of data from short time span … the circle graph includes only 5 biggest courses etc.)

I was looking on that graph every day and it helped me to come back to courses I already finished … I have no control over the finished courses anymore.


good summay - not that I think the graph did all that much beyond showing steady progress, but of the extra features it was the most motivating one, at least