Learned item count discrepancy between web & app

Those pictures show a huge difference between the item count on the app and on the web. Does anyone know when and if this will be fixed?

Another thing I noticed is that sometimes when I restart a course or level (after already learning the items in it) my learned item count doesn’t decrease, thus I can essentially keep increasing my word count on my profile by restarting and re-learning something over and over again.

I don’t really challenge other people or anything, so the word count isn’t all that important to me, but I’d like it to be accurate when I look at it, so that I know exactly how many items I’ve learned through memrise. Another thing is that, in order to keep the items as synchronized with each other as possible, I often restart a level after making a careless mistake by pressing the wrong button on my keyboard when learning a new level. As such if this bug isn’t fixed, the discrepancy is going to keep growing more and more and it’s already at nearly a 100 item discrepancy


Here’s the 2nd picture cause I can’t put 2 in 1 post.

We are planning on fixing it. Unfortunately, I can’t be any more precise to when it will be fixed.

Thanks for letting me know that it’s at least being looked at. Another interesting is that I just now noticed that the discrepancy went down, somehow, from 94 to 89. Here are the 2 pics:

It began happening with me 12 days ago.

It happens because the app is counting the words you actually have currently learned in your dashboard.

The web counter is counting all the words from courses learned, repeated and quitted. It doesn’t go down when you reset a course.

My word discrepancy is around 1.5k now…

Weird, I was just coming over here to see if there were any new comments saying that it’s been fixed, cause after I just finished one of my courses I noticed that the item count was perfectly in sync between the app & web (for now and it hopefully stays that way).

That reminds me, does the counter also keep the items you’ve learned from courses you’ve created and then deleted permanently? Cause if so, then that might explain the discrepancy between the displayed item count and the result I get by adding up all my learned items from my courses, including the one I’ve quit.

Mine is back to normal, apparently it was after I quit another course, but it could be something else… I guess it is fixed. :yum:

A fix was released a few days ago, there should no longer be a discrepancy between both Android and the Website.

If there is, please do let us know.

Thank you. :smile_cat:

I still have a discrepancy between the web and the android app.
The web version says 18,631 Words 31,914,172 Points whereas the app version says 18,265 Words 31,914,172 Points.( a difference of 366 words)
I tried logging out and in on both the app and web but it stays the same.
My memrise username is larboylan.

Try restarting any course, I guess restarting a course caused my words to be recalculated after the fix… but I could be wrong. :wink:

Could you try following leomni suggestion and let us know the results.

I could also add that as I was doing the last 2 levels of that course, I again pressed the wrong button accidentally and had to restart the level to keep the items synced for future reviews. After I was done I noticed that the web & the app’s counters were in sync, so maybe it can be fixed by just learning a level and then restarting it.

I restarted a small level (23 words) on one of my courses and the web did indeed change to show the correct value. I then also had to log out and in on the app for the new count to sync (remove from total words) these 23 words to the app.
Thanks Leomni & Joshua