Learn with Locals, new courses and dashboard, and a fun comment

Hi fellow learners and staff of Memrise,

I have a couple of issues. Please help. BTW, I’m still in Japanese 1.

A couple weeks ago, I ignored some earlier lessons so the more difficult ones would come up in the tests. After I un-ignored everything, I noticed that ‘learn with locals’ is always grayed out. Perhaps the timing was a coincident, yet ‘learn with locals’ is no longer available to use, as it is always grayed out. Was it disabled?

Another issue I have is courses showing up on my dashboard. I recently found Japanese 1 (no scrips). Wonderful! I mean, this course will seriously help my spelling from my kybrd since now I’ll learn how to spell them! However, the course is not going to my dashboard. I have to check my learning status, go to the pie chart, and access the course that way. Am I doing something wrong, or do I need to click on something?

Finally, I just want to say that lesson 17 in Japanese 1 was fun! It’s almost like they’re singing the words. I wonder if in RL that’s how these words are spoken though…

Anyways, thanks in advance!

Hi, @Kallix.

On your second question, try taking a look at the options for the drop-down box in the upper-right corner of your dashboard. This filters which courses show up, so if it’s on “With Goal Set”, for example, it will only show courses that you’ve manually set a goal for. If you select “Recently Learned”, it should show all courses you’re currently taking, though you may have to scroll a bit to find the one you want.

Thank you! Works great!