Learn with locals always displays same words

Memrise always displays same words on “Learn with locals” when I review learnd words.
When I learn new words on “Learn with locals”, It does not have the problem.
Also web version does not have the problem.

The problem is happened on the courses below.

  • Spanish (Spain) 1 - (for English speaker)
  • Spanish (Spain) 2 - (for English speaker)
  • 英語1 - (English 1 for Japanese speaker)
  • 英語2 - (English 2 for Japanese speaker)
  • 英語3 - (English 3 for Japanese speaker)
  • A1 メムライズの英語 - (A1 Memrise’s English for Japanese speaker)

My smart phone: ASUS Zenfone 3 Laser
Android Version: 7.1.1
Memrise Version: 2.94_4773_memrise


Same here in Memrise Italian 5 (for Dutch speaker) on android

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I am also having this problem in German 3 (for English speakers) on Android: the same 10 words will appear in Learn with Locals, no matter what I have to review: “umarme mich”, “Sie sprechen zu schnell”, “sie trägt manchmal ein rotes Kleid”, “Jippieh!”, “ist es möglich…?” … One of these words will occasionally be replaced with one I just learned, but otherwise the set is the same. This has been happening for weeks now.

It ALSO affects Listening Skills: it’s less noticeable because there are 20 review words instead of 10, but those same 10 words from Learn with Locals are always there, along with 10 other persistent words.

Very frustrating…


I see this too, same words come up in Listening Skills in Polish, again and again. I get them right but they don’t change. As I progress through the course some words get added, I think, but the rotation changes painfully slowly. I don’t really see a point in that. First I thought it is going to change once I go through all the modes on a word (type it, pick it from three audio samples, …), but nope. As an example it’s always: “fourteen”, “of course he likes salad”, “store”, “brother”, “English”, “of course I speak English”, “very well”, “remember”, “I speak a little Polish”…
As a feature for paying members this is really underwhelming and I think it needs work.

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I’ve seen this issue with the 3 first levels of German. At some point I thought it was something with the time settings in my phone but it keeps repeating the same words over and over and over again.


I’ve been getting the same thing in German 3 for the past few weeks. It makes Learning With Locals pointless. This is on the iOS version.

Every update I hope it’ll be fixed, but no.


@philgyford, @JuanPWeber: Is this the course for English speakers?
A link to the right course/level always helps to rule out that we are talking about a different course.

@BeaTrisy: Learning with Locals repeats same words in German 3. Any suggestion what the reason could be? If it’s indeed a bug, users will be grateful if it can be fixed. Thank you!

@Baite Yes, German 3 for English speakers, in the iOS app.

@BeaTrisy. Please could you check @PhilGyFord 's notes and respond, even if it is only briefly. Thanks!

I’ve been having the same Grammarbot lessons and words in Level 4 of German for a couple weeks no. It takes a lot of effort to get some new vocabulary… What’s the deal? I just need it to progress to the next set of words!


This is still happening. Given that Learn With Locals is one of the features I’m paying for, it’s extra annoying that it hasn’t worked for months.


I’m honestly under the impression that Memrise is no longer under active development. There’s been audio bugs and including the one you listed for months and no one has done anything about them.


I have the same issue in the iOS app, with the Mandarin Chinese 2 course. Very frustrating, since it’s one of the features I’m paying for as a premium user. Please fix this!

iPhone X, latest iOS, latest Memrise version.

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That’s a very interesting article that you linked to about Memrise’s supposed new round of funding. But there’s a curious statement in it that caught my attention.

The article was written in June of 2018, and says:

“The funding comes after a period of strong growth: Memrise has now passed 35 million users globally across its 20 language courses, and it tipped into profitability in Q1 of this year.

So, according to that quote, it appears that they “tipped into profitability” in Q1 of 2018, which to me means that they are profitable now, but were unprofitable before now.

But in the interview with Ed Cooke, CEO, published in December 2016, he is quoted as saying:

Q. “What is your greatest business achievement to date?”

A. “Achieving profitability.”

And in a post written in November of 2016, Ben Whately says:

“As our userbase and profitability has grown we have been able to expand our team a lot in the last 12 months.”

He said that their “profitability has grown,” which to me means that he is claiming that they were profitable as of November 2016, and that their profits were increasing.

So, we are presented with conflicting information. We have the CEO and COO both declaring Memrise profitable at the end of 2016, but in this new announcement, we read that they “tipped into profitability” in the first quarter of 2018.

So what are we supposed to believe? Are they really profitable now? Were they really profitable at the end of 2016? With all the conflicting information, can we even believe the happy story about the supposed new funding?


I have the same problem since March… the same 10 words appear in “Learn with Locals”, but also in the other PRO functions as “Listening” “Pronunciation” etc…
The problem isn’t only on a particolar course, but all the courses I make (and it’s even 9!! English UK 1 2 3 4, Spanish 1 2 3, French 1 2) and if I start a new course too.
We paid for PRO functions and we can’t use them! It’s totally unacceptable!!


I have the same problem on iOS for Mandarin 1, French 1 and French2. I sometimes see new clips when I learn new vocabulary but I never see them again as they never show up in the “Learn with locals session”. There I always have the same ~10 clips from the first chapter.