Learn new words

I bought the pro version of memrise languages, but if I touch the “learn new words” the app does not ability me to learn new words, why?
I am confused!

I upgradeed to the pro also and I just cannot get my head round any of it, it is ridiculously disjointed. I think duolingo is far better even the free version!

You need to give some more information :slight_smile: What do you mean by “the app does not ability me to learn new words”? What happens instead?

When I touch the “learning new words” key, the Memrise does not ability
that key, and I can’t learn more word, but I discovered that it does not
work well only for the languages that I have “completed” before I bought
the pro app.

Ummmmmmm… @leonardo.paletta.348 , apologies if there’s a chance I misunderstood, but from what I could comprehend, you finished the course. If that is so, then how can you even learn new words, if there are no new words left?

I think RyouBakura may be right that you’ve finished the courses that you currently finished. I took a look at your profile, and it looks like you’ve currently studied the first course in several different languages. To continue learning, you need to find the second course for the language.

For example, you’ve studied “Francese 1”. The other French courses for your native language can be found here, or you should be able to search for “Francese 2” in the app :slight_smile:

Hello my friend,

My English, I know, is not good, sorry!

I completed de course with the app free (almost 200 words available), but now I have the pro and I cannot think that de course can contemplate only about 200 words!

If it were so, I would take drastic measure against memrise.

Anyway thanks for your help.

Haha, nah no worries mate. Your English is okay. But if you’re more comfortable speakers Italian, you can do so. (But I feel more people are likely be to reply when in English)
Just checked the App, it should display the maximum words in each course:

^Like here the maximum is above 1700.
If you’re talking about official courses, I know that Japanese 1 has almost 250 words, when finished you move on to Japanese 2. That is if you’ve reached the maximum words, and finished the course.

If you are positive that you haven’t finished the course (number of words learned less than total words), then please describe what exactly happens once pressing the “learn new words button”.

Hope that helps. And happy learning!


I am taking Portuguese PT BR 1-7.
The courses have each a different word count.
Some may be below 200, most are above (3xx or even 6xx).

You can check in parallel online on the website each course (at your dashboard) if it is either finished (completed) or if there are still words open to learn.

As I do not use the Memrise app or Pro mode I can not tell you what they offer or not.
Usually the Pro mode just unlocks “Speak with natives”, and more tools for statistics, reviewing difficulty words,…

I am not sure where the differences are for the bots or grammar bots between non-pro and pro-mode.

Therefore my suggestion is to really check the website, because individual course word count (learning) is surely no difference on the website, even without the Pro mode.

It is quite simple: Just sign in on the website with the same user id and password, which you are using on the app in online mode.
And I could already check that your userid “leonardo.paletta.348” is well known to the Memrise server.

But I can not check all your courses word count as I would have to start all those Italian (source language) courses myself.

Hi @leonardo.paletta.348, did you see my original reply that’s above? I still think you may just need to find the next course in the series.

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Thanks http://community.memrise.com/u/ryoubakura RyouBakura

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To find a next level official course just scroll up until you see next number and tap on it

you can access all the 7 courses inside app and no need to use search if you have at least one of them open

@Atikker, ah, good to know :slight_smile:

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