I’m new to Memrise and am really liking it so far. Doing Japanese 1.
Just went through lesson 5 & 6, grammar courses. These 2 are the only grammar courses I have done.
I want to do more grammar courses but for some reason the button to “Learn Grammar” is not there?
Thanks for getting in touch! When the grammar mode is greyed out, it means you are on a level that is teaching you words and phrases as opposed to grammar.
For example, you can find find grammar in the following levels of Japanese 1: Levels 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 14.
Like I said in my original message, I have ONLY completed chapters 5 and 6. I cannot start any of the other grammar chapters because the button to start learning is NOT there. Please see the attached image of chapter 2, a chapter which I have NOT done.
Can you please try uninstalling and reinstalling the app? We have just tested this on an Android device (which, by the looks of things, you are also learning on) and the Learn Grammar button appears as it should on these levels.
If this still occurs after reinstalling, could you kindly let us know the following:
Which device you are using
Which OS you are running
Which version of Memrise you are using (you can find this information at the bottom of your Settings in the app)