Learn function no longer works?

O/S: Windows 7
Course: http://www.memrise.com/course/897687/indonesian-by-pimsleaur-with-full-audio/

Investigating further, however, there seems to be an anomaly. Is it the course problem? (Can’t see how) Or is it Memrise?

Memrise reports that level 4 has 12 words; however, count the words and there are only 11…

I didn’t explain what happens… When I click on “Learn” (on home page), it brings me to level 4. When I click on “Continue learning”, it starts to loop.

On the mobile app, it shows up as 12/12 items but… it shows 1 in blue. Perhaps this also explains why, sometimes, app reports that there’s 1 word left to review when, in fact there is none! It’s taken me a long time to find this one!

Hi ChiewPang, we’re aware of this problem and are currently looking into this. Sorry for the annoyance.

If I remember correctly the same thing happened to me when I learned (or partly learned) a word and it was deleted from the level. Resetting the level and planting it once again fixed it.