Leaderboard change in the wrong direction (exactly opposite)

Leaderboard for course cut at Nr. 100 or rather 99th place - not loading any lower positions

Web had been the only place I could still go to look for some minor details relative to mine placement (and others) in the Leaderboard, and who is at what position (with what point difference from me) if bellow the 99th place. (Not shown in mobile app)

From today - Leaderboard shows also only the first 99 position. (even for all time stats) It is impossible to find more details now.

(Firstly it disappeared in mobile app, even display of points is distorted to mere 4 digits… now it starts even here?)

Is it related to Beta testing? (Otherwise only good changes there so far)

Device details

Web on iOS mobile (6s plus) - both mobile version of web and after requesting desctop version of the page. (Brave browser)

P.S. Is there any better place for this post? At this point I don’t know whether this is feature/designe or bug. (Suspecting new design choice with probably(?) unintended consequences)

Hi @petr.r.skupad8,

Thanks for reaching out!

We are still able to see leaderboard positions 99 onwards (on Google Chrome). Can you please confirm which course you’re looking at?

Do you have any other browsers you can test this on?

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Memrise team


Interestingly, unexpectedly, it really seems to be course dependent.

The problem occurs on !5000 top Portuguese words with AUDIO

See screenshot of the leaderboard attached

(see the absent prompt for “More”; there is no “more” option and it doesn’t expand on it’s own either )

I checked other course now (for example 5000 most frequent italian Words Audio) and it scrolls safely bellow the 100th place … actually after checking- this I checked again in the above mentioned (5000wrds) portuguese course and even there it only happens in “All time” statistics {where only it really matters}, but it happens now in every instance without fail- reproducibly in mine Brave browser …

I will check that Portuguese courses in Safari now and let You now.

Compare it with Italian course in the same situation (and the same device/browser/time of the day)

Have you considered the possibility that there are only 99 people learning the course? Try looking at the overall stats. If that list ends at 99, you’ll know that there just aren’t more people who learned the course.
I have seen many courses with less than, say, 30 people.

FWIW, I just peeked at the course. I’m #5045 on the all-time-list, so I suppose 5044 people learned it until today. On the weekly board, I’m at #70, so that’ll be the count of people who worked through a session this week.

I am learning this course for years and I do look into the leaderbord regularly… there are literally thousands of people learning this particular course (and I was normally looking at my “neighbour’s” points when I had been below the TOP100.)

Even the 99th of this leaderboard (me :innocent:) has milions of points - so it would be jardly believable that with almost 4 000 000 points I would be the last student with the tiniest nr of points :slight_smile:

It just happened that when I arrived into the first 100 it stopped showing me anyone bellow 100th

For example this is screenshot from 2nd February of this year

In Safari the problem with this course is the same. (All time statistics)


  • Brave browser (Chrome based)
  • Safari

Valid only for the course linked above
Visible/doable only on “All time stats”
Only changed to this state few days back.

Hi @petr.r.skupad8,

Thanks for the additional details!

Unfortunately, we’re still having issues reproducing this. We’ve tested on Google Chrome and Safari and are able to see past 99 in all leaderboards for the Portuguese course.

Sometimes, the following steps can fix these issues (but it is strange that this only seems to happen for the Portuguese course):

  • Please make sure AdBlock, AdBlocking technology or Ghostery have been disabled
  • Clear cache and cookies
  • Enable Javascript
  • Disable any active extensions and/or userscripts
  • Ensure your browser is updated, and restart it

If this fails, are you able to check the leaderboard on Chrome for now?

Kind regards,
Memrise team

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