Ever since the latest update the font has become huge, and will cut off most of the words in longer sentences. So, in multiple choice tests, if more than one sentence option begins the same way it’s impossible to know which one will be correct.
Also, even shorter words are now formatted across two lines.
I’m learning Russian, and for less-familiar words this can make it ambiguous whether it’s a single word or a short phrase.
And all the progress + review information has been removed.
The first shot shows the sentence being cut off, though in this example no other option begins the same way, but you get the idea.
In the second shot even single words get cut off.
The third shows courses I’ve completed as if never started.
Same problem here. Before the boxes with the options would expand as needed, and I could scroll down to see everything. Now Memrise squeezes and shortens everything to fit on one page, making it unusable on reasonably sized screens (iPhone 5s here). Revert this change please, or at least make it optional.