Language options

I’d like to set my account to Czech. I know this language is available because when I first got into memrise I had the option to do so. But after I finished few lessons and then got off my notebook to do something else it changed to English so I had to choose Czech again and than start lessons. But after few breaks I just said “I can speak a little bit of English so I’ll let it like this, maybe I’ll revise some vocabulary”. But now I’ve reached the stage when I don’t know the voc. anymore. It’s annoying to search for the meaning with every new term. And when I’m clicking to change to Czech it does absolutely nothing. Can someone give me an advice what to do?

Hi @Yve1,

That sounds annoying!

Are you using the web version or the app? Have you tried these:

On the web version: Go to your “Settings” (from the drop-down menu arrow next to your avatar) and change the “Language” setting. Don’t forget to click on “Save”.

On the app version: Click on the “Find” icon at the bottom of the page. From the course list, choose any language and then choose “OR BROWSE MORE COURSES”. Then, in the top left corner, change the language shown in pink type. Then click “Done”.

Hope this helps. If not, come back.

I am using web version and settings is the first section where I tried to fix this issue but there is no Czech version to select. But you can select Czech in the “I speak” category in Courses menu. And it worked earlier but now nothing happens when I click on it. That’s the problem.

Hi @Yve1,

Sorry! I should have looked at the available default options before replying. :blush:

The Knowledge Base explains that, for now, only a limited number of default languages are available:

That probably means that none of the ‘official’ Memrise language courses are currently available in Czech but there are some ‘user created’ courses available. Which language(s) are you learning?

For example, I have just now reset my language to “Czech” in the Course menu, and I can find some by scrolling down below the ‘official Memrise’ ones. Here’s an example of what I’m seeing for Czech/Slovak to Spanish:

…and for Czech/Slovak to French:

Any help?

Good luck!


It’s all clear to me now. Thanks for the response and the time you’ve spent helping me.