Korean Vocabulary Lesson 2 Missing Audio

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I added How To Study Korean Unit 2 vocabulary to the Memrise app on the phone and on the desktop but there is no audio. On Unit 1, there was audio when the words were selected. The audio helps with pronounciation of the word. Is this a bug or was this unit created this way? I checked another unit too and it was the same. Is Unit 1 the only group that has audio for each word?

  • Your device make and model SM-N960U
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  • Memrise app version 2022.1.12.0
  • Description of steps to reproduce the issue
  • Do you have any screenshots of the problem? Please upload them here.

Hi @asiana68. Unfortunately, the creator hasn’t added any audio clips to this course. This one, however, does have audio: howtostudykorean2 (with audio) - by aminaaaaaa - Memrise :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you. I did not realize the courses seem to be user created. That was helpful.