Known Web Bugs - Please read before creating a new thread

Last updated: 02/November/2021

Please see the following list of web bugs that we are aware of and refrain from creating a duplicate thread. This list will be updated as and when we have more information.

If you believe you are experiencing a bug on web that is not listed below, please create a New Topic under Web Bugs or let our Support team know by reporting the details here.

Bug Link to thread/How to fix Status Notes
Learn New Words sessions fail to load due to Grammar not being available on web / Complete courses on mobile show as incomplete on web Grammar sections show up as not done even after completing on mobile - #3 by Lyklar Aware (internal code WEBSITE-2438) This only occurs with courses that have Grammar - more info on which ones they are here
Learn New Words throws an error (user-generated course) due to blank columns in edit mode Learn New Words: Could not load the session Aware (internal code PLAT-3184) This is only on community-created courses
Learn New Words and some reviewing sessions fail to load due to “Ghost words” [BA-1020] Ghost Words in Community and Official Courses Aware (BA-1020)
Old versions of an edited item still appear in the course (phantom entries) [Userscript] Attempt to Eliminate Phantom Entries - #147 by christopher.wendel Aware (internal code QA-617)
Speed Review throws an error on image-based courses Speed Review on picture course: Could not load the session. Whoops - #3 by ale_c Aware (internal code WEBSITE-2696)
Facebook friends not loading Connecting Facebook to view friends Aware (internal code WEBSITE-2475)
Mems are not displaying correctly N/A Aware (internal code WEBSITE-2667) Users may see errors in the formatting of mems or fail to see mems at all
Turning off daily goal resets current Streak N/A Aware (internal code WEBSITE-1971) When turning off daily goal for a course, users may see the streak for that course reset to 0
Streak on web one day ahead of mobile app N/A Aware (internal code WEBSITE-2326/3199) Users will see their streak fulfilled on web one day ahead

If you have any further information or questions on any of the bugs above, please comment in the relevant thread.