Does anyone have any good ideas on how to make a jumbled sentences course?
You could make a Memrise course as normal, but disable typing exercises and only enable tapping exercises.
This will make your course only include multiple choice and jumbled sentences (and audio if enabled). The jumbled sentence pieces may include other words from the same course as a distraction.
What are the specific questions you have?
If tapping tests don’t work with unsegmented phrases, after I had found some sentences I would I guess first segment them using a segmenter, for example the one on or
I would I guess probably also paste the sentences into Excel and filter out overly long and short phrases using =len()
I don’t really see the need for a jumbled sentence course.
Oh, and one of cooljingle’s scripts I think allows you to only get tapping tests.
Not a bad idea. Thank you.
The chosen sentences are not random; they have various values, the most important being that they are exam questions, which probably answers your ‘not seeing the need’.