Joyful announcement: New official Chinese courses for English speakers published

Hi memrisers!
Big news! The new Chinese Mandarin courses are published!!! They are more updated, more natural, with a large amount of new items :sunglasses:
Links of the new courses:

Try them now!! :kissing_heart:

Don’t worry if you are learning the old courses (trust me, the new ones are much better), you can still go on but those are going to be unpublished.


Mandarin Chinese 1-3 are three large courses, they have almost the same amount of items as in English 1-7 :slight_smile:



Is it possible to somehow change the “character” and the “pinyin” fields up so that I would have to type and read the characters instead of the pinyin (just like as it is being tested in the ‘Japanese for English speakers’ course, where they ask you to type the hiragana-katakana-kanji combination instead of the furigana)? I think it would be much more useful especially when it comes to homonyms. Other than this I find these courses very solid except for some individual sentences which are taken out of context, but their meaning is asked as if they were still part of that conversation. For example: Q: 吃饭了吗? A: 还没呢! and then the meaning of 还没呢! is being asked which is not yet, but is translated as “I haven’t eaten yet”, or something like that, which is true in the given context but not outside of it.

Anyways, thanks for your work!


many thanks for your work. Although I know most of the items, i’ll take these courses for the joy of hearing/seeing natives

one lil request: would be possible to make the Hanzi always visible, somehow?

many thanks, again

p.s. a strange problem occured with “wǒ yě hénhǎo”: I keep getting the “I’m sorry” sound, and the space bar does not seem to function for this particular item, therefore I cannot input the pinyin for it… very strange


this is very good point. I actually realised that as well, and I have
already changed the translation of “还没呢” to “(I) haven’t (eaten) yet”. And
we are looking into a better way to teach Chinese characters too.
Thank you very much for your feedback😊

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An other solution - if I may suggest - would be if all questions that have answers were tested together as one item. However, I have absolutely no idea how bothersome would or wouldn’t it be to do this since I have never created a course here (I also use anki and I have a collection of 3000 sentences with audio [Glossika] and I add every little dialogue as one card, this way I can hear a natural sounding answer without having to think of the context).

Thank you for being responsive and starting to take measures!

Memrise has been very good. Is there going to be a course 4 Mandarin coming in future?

A bit of feedback about speed review. It allows the same amount of time for each item despite some items being larger with longer more complicated sentences which should allows a little more time. Under this condition it kind of jumbles it all together the recorded speech plays after selecting an item and continues to play while partly into the next speed review item.
Speed review is a great tool allowing for this would make it even better.

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