JLPT Vocab (N5-3)

In niveau 8, you have “Near/近い” and “near/近く”. Can you please add if it’s a noun or i-adjective, otherwise it´s just a guessing game when I get “near”. (y)


I’ve seen those two words in different japanese courses. As far as I know 近い is and adjective and 近く is an adverb.
I’m still a beginner with japanese so I could be wrong, but that’s what it seems to be for me.

Is difficult to explain this in english, since “near” rarely acts as and adjective in this language. But if you know some spanish, it would be something like “cercano” (adjective) and “cerca” (adverb).

I hope this helps!

Oh ok, I just understood that you were trying to avoid the typical double answer thing. Nevermind!

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