Basically I’m looking at creating some courses for each JLPT level, starting with N5, what I want to do is just do a course with lots of different sentences in.
Originally I was hoping to use the sentences on, but I can’t find any contact information for the owner of the site, so I can’t ask permission to use it.
I was also thinking of using the sentences on, as on there it says feel free to use the info but just quote the site. However, when looking at the N5 sentences they seem to mix up a good few harder level words in with the sentences.
So just wondering if there are any other lists anywhere of JLPT N5 sentences???
As I’ve learnt the N5 vocab but I want to start drilling sentences as well to get the hang of it all and put it all together.
I’d definitely be interested if you did some sort of sentence mining course. If you’re looking for quality sentences, go to Anki. They’re user-created mainly, so you can just look up “Japanese sentence mining” or something along those lines. I think you can contact the creator if you want to ask permission.
I will look that up, although my Japanese level is still very basic at the moment (only just learnt the majority of JLPT N5).
I have found some useful resources/dictionary’s for basic sentences recently though, so I’m thinking of using those to create some courses.
Also, I am currently working on creating some courses with the jlptstudy sentences as they have said I can use their sentences on their website.