If anyone goes by this handle or know the person by this handle could they please contact me. I like the way their course is set up and am using it to study but there are some things I would like to improve on test functions. For example, words with the same meaning; it’s really hard to know which word to type in when the english pops up.
please someone help me find this person. I’m willing to colaborate.
would help if youd edit the title of the thread and the first message, as to contain the name (in the title) and the link to the course - otherwise is not “koscher”/it does not really look fine for the mods…
edit: ok, I’m editing the title of the thread myself, but you should add the links in your first message (you must have an “edit” soemwhere)
Hello, does someone know a way to contact the creator of this course?
I would like to add the audio from forvo (or amazon polly) to each entry like i did for these courses :