JLPT N2 - Complete Vocabulary + Audio

This is the forum for the course, if it needs feedback, it can be deposited here.
The course contains the following:

  • Kanji and Reading for every word
  • Attributes for every word (noun, adverb, ichidan/godan verb, transitive/intransitive, etc)
  • Option to prompt with English or with Kana
  • Audio for every word
  • Alternative readings for controversial writing forms (new forms being added with time)

Feel free to check out the other courses I’ve created as well.

Hey! Thanks so much for this course!
I think I found a typo. The definition for 郡 says “country” rather than “county”

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Thanks for telling me! Changed it already

Hey, I have another issue.

When I try and review my words, I get the error as described here:


Especially on level 67, it says I have 20 words to learn, but it shows only 19 words in the list. Please could you check all of the word columns are fixed :slight_smile:

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Same, just came across this as well. Blank translations in earlier levels were fixed a few weeks ago, but this one’s new for me.

Edit: I think it’s おさえる/押える on level 67.

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Thank you for your input, I hadn’t checked the feedback but now it’s solved!

Thanks for the fix! Sadly, I encountered the next missing/course breaking word.

Could you fix the missing 棄てる entry in lesson 71?

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Thank you for being active in responding to us and updating this course! I really appreciate it. The issue in Level 67 has been fixed!

I’m also having the same issue as @Madfan in Level 71! This should be able to be fixed the same way as you fixed the issue in Level 67 I think!

I’ve also found that this word in Level 91: 「統計」 translates to “statistics” in other dictionaries. In this course it is labelled as “scattering, a scatter, dispersion”.

Thank you!

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Thank you so much for reporting both mistakes!
I already took the time to fix it, I’m sorry it took about one month.

Hope you like the course better now!

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Hey again, for this word: 御手洗 in level 101, the kana says “おてあらい”. However, this website: (御手洗の読み方と意味、「おてあらい」と「みたらい」正しいのは?) says it should not be read as such, instead the reading should be “みたらし”. Please could you correct?



Thanks for researching the pronunciation; I had no idea it had a different one! Don’t worry; I already made the changes and uploaded new audio. Again, thanks a lot for collaborating on this course :smiley:

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