Japanese Word Frequency Counter


I recently came across this website https://textmining.userlocal.jp/ that analyses Japanese text and then shows you the frequency of the words in that text and how many times it appears.
I just thought I’d give it a share as I figured it would be really helpful for people creating courses to do with movies/tv series/video games etc… so you can see which words appear the most.

Does anyone use anything similar?

As for me the site is a bit hard to use as it is all in Japanese and my level of Japanese still isn’t that high, not sure if there is a download button on there so you can get the list in some form of text or not, but will try and figure that out today.

Oh wow, just realised there is a big green download button for the text, and it organises the frequency of words in order and also by “part of speech, noun, verb and adjectives”.
I think I have now found my new way for creating courses, get subtitles of shows and use this to learn the most frequent words.