Japanese Memrise Group

I’ve created a group for beginners of Japanese (like myself) to join if you’re interested.

You can join here

This group is for:

  • Beginners who wish to learn basic reading ability for things such as Manga, Books, Games.
  • Point/Badge Addicts who like friendly competition
  • Lovers of the Japanese Language

Kanji will be added and basic grammar too :slight_smile:

What courses are part of that group? i’m not clicking it otherwise because of how it auto adds all of them to what i’m learning.

  • Hiragana
  • Katakana
  • Kanji • Radicals
    JLPT N5 Readings

Warning, if you click that link, it will add around 100 new courses to your dashboard, most of them seem to be things like vocabulary from random manga, continues to clean up his dashboard sigh…