Japanese Genki 1 Course Errors

Genki 1 by caleb.warwick does not have a forum under the course name or his name that I could find. I was told you could email him to get him to join the forum or make me a contributor. Thank you for your time.

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Can we get a response to this forum. I have found a few errors in Caleb.warricks genki 1 course. I would like to help correct them or somehow get in touch with Caleb.
In chapter 1 "new friends " the word for the number five says ろく. It’s actually ご. ろく means six.
Also in chapter 2 “shopping” it says the Japanese word for economics is けえざい. It’s actually けいざい
Also in chapter 2 おながいします is supposed to be おねがいします. O’na’gaishimasu was written instead of o’ne’gaishimasu
Last one I’ve found since starting the course is in chapter 3. It days lunch is ひるがはん. It’s supposed to be ひるごはん

Please let me know if I can help. Thank you!