Japanese Courses Question

So I was trying to start Japanese 2 and found there are are two different courses.
This one
And this one

I just wasn’t sure if there was a difference. The Memrise app shows the one with the Purple icon as the one to complete after the Japanese 1, but the one with the Orange icon is shown on the website. There are also different words learned for the two courses.

This same “issue” is present in the Japanese 3 course, and again, I can’t see any difference.

Does anyone here know the answer?

@DarkeDemise, the first one is an old course that will not be fixed if there are any errors. The second one is replacing the old and should be used if you are studying Japanese.
If you are just now picking the Japanese 2 you should not be seeing the old courses, same with Japanese 3. People that selected originally the old courses do have still access to it. Hope that makes sense.

Ah, ok, thanks for clearing that up for me. I’ll continue on using the second link.