Japanese Copypaste Character Fixes

Hey there everybody,

I’ve noticed some issues with the Japanese courses involving the tilde (~) character. I’m going to use this post as a way to keep track of these pesky characters since I can’t actually type them with my keyboard. Here’s an example:

Location: Japanese 1 -> Level 11 -> I don’t like…
You need to copy this:
The phrase: "I don’t like…"
Translates out in Japanese to this: わたしは〜すきではありません
When I type it on my keyboard, I get this (which is wrong, according to Memrise): わたしは~すきではありません
See the difference? It took me a bit to run it down, too.
This is what you copy and paste in: 〜, not ~. See the difference? The tilde Memrize has,〜 , is the hex character: E3809C whereas the character my regular English keyboard types, ~, is the hex character 7E. I imagine someone typed in a tilde on a system with a different encoding and most American English encodings don’t type tilde that way. It could even be that it was entered on a OSX instead of Windows. I’ll be updating this with further characters and breakdowns as I come across them.
Other phrases in the same section this tilde is used:
and; that (followed by sentence) : 〜と
at; in; on : 〜で

I love Memrise and I’m enjoying my time learning here. Hopefully this will help others with their tilde and other character problems.

Same problem in Japanese 2, 22 “Buying supplies”. I must (わたしは〜なくてはいけません). It’s necessary to do always copy+paste with “〜” :frowning:

you have to call @Joshua to fix this :grin:

On the courses that I have done I’ve found that leaving out the tilde entirely seems to get accepted e.g. just “と” for “and; that”.