Japanese 2 - Lesson 21 - Clothing

Suggestion to change from European to American for simplicity, in this one course on the American / Canadian version of the app.

“Trainers” to “Sneakers” すにーかー
“Thick scarf for winter” to “Muffler” まふらー
“Jumper” to “Sweater” せーたー

I don’t like your suggestion… why should the whole planet speak North American English? given that there are separate courses made for British respectively American English speakers

Just these 3 words that I have noticed so far. I’m going to guess you can not yet read the Japanses words in my suggestion. But it translates to:
“Trainers” to “Sneakers” すにーか (suniika = sue-knee-ka)
“Thick scarf for winter” to “Muffler” まふらー (mafuraa = mah-fu-laa)
“Jumper” to “Sweater” すぇたー (suetaa = sue-eh-tah)

The first quotation is what the lesson teaches you and has you match, and the second is my suggestion. As the suggestion is more of a literal word for word translation, it would be much easier to remember and still be correct.

This course is for British English:

This is for American English:

In my opinion American English should not be added into the British one.

Maybe it auto corrects itself to the version I have (the American / Canadian one) because both links look exactly the same to me. Sorry. I appreciate your help though. The link I sent my suggestion to was a .com one as well. So I’m not sure if it shows up on .eu and any other site memrise works in. But on my end it is the Canadian/American version I was putting my suggestion on to better relate to the literal translation and make it easier for beginners to remember the words.

I have edited my suggestion now that I know that multiple versions of the app exist and use the same forum. Thanks again for your help!