Japanese 1 - Classic Review Results in "Could Not Load the Session"

Browsers used: Chrome 76.0.3809.100; Firefox 68.0.2

When attempting to start a classic review in Japanese 1, the “Could not load the session. Sorry” popup dialog appears. At the time, I had 67 words to review. I thought that there may have been an issue with the course changing, so I attempted two things:

  1. Quitting the course and then re-adding it from the Courses list. This doesn’t delete the course history, so there was no change.
  2. Resetting the course and deleting the course history.

After restarting the course, I noticed that there are 10 words that appear under Classic Review, even before I have started the course at all. Clicking on Classic Review results in the same “Could not load the session” popup.

Here is the screen showing 10 words immediately after restarting the progress on the course.

Hi @RW999 :slight_smile:

This is a problem that is cataloged to be fixed (link). For example, you can check other topics with the same subject at:

  1. Invalid 'words learned'
  2. Probable bug: "ghost" words in Russian I course or the mystery of the missing lesson 12
  3. Multiple levels are missing from the Japanese courses
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