
it seems there is a spelling mistake in the course

For "Starfruit’, the indonesian word is “Belimbing”. It seems the e is missing…
If you can check this, this would be great!


I’m afraid that @Janina-Fenna is not on this forum (her name with the @ sign doesn’t turn into a grey link), so it’s quite unlikely she’ll see it. This is the right place to post your feedback though.

Perhaps, @Lien can help, who knows. Lien, could you contact @Janina-Fenna asking her to join this thread, or tell us if there are any contributors?

Or, Ninotchkanada, alternatively, would you like to be added as a contributor, if Janina doesn’t respond so you can make the changes yourself?


Sure, I’ve updated the entry.

The course creator appears to be no longer active on Memrise. If you like, I could add you as a contributor so you can edit the course. Let me know if that’s of interest.

Best wishes,


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Yes, I can be added as a contributor and will try my best to correct the mistakes ( I noticed another one)
If possible, can you just explain me a bit how to manage?

@ Lien
I ignore if you have seen my answer… Let me know if / when you intend add me as a contributor. Thanks

Hi @ninotchkanada,
Great to hear you’re prepared to help improve this course.
You should now be able to access the right tools via the ‘Edit’ button in the top right.
Click here for some helpful instructions to get you on your way.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Best wishes,

Thank you…
Actually it has also motivated me to create my own course. I have noticed that there are not many choices for french native speakers who want to learn some indonesian, so it could be interesting to work on that. By the way, I was wondering… couldn’t it be possible to create a bilingual course? For example, there is a fruit, named " jambu air" in indonesian, with several varieties that have several names in french such as : “pomme-rose” “jamrosat”, “jambrosade”,“jambosier” or “jamalac” (names that almost nobody knows…) ,while in english it is named “rose apple” or “bell fruit” (which seems both, more common, and much easier to remember). I wish I could include it in the french course with english names as an alternative but should I just ignore the word, if this doing so not recommended? Can you give me your point?