Italian translation of the hiragana ぴ

In chapter 5 of Japanese 1, the hiragana “ぴ” in italian translation is translated “Bi” instead of “Pi”. The audio is correct, you can hear Pi from that

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Thanks for letting us know. Our Italian and Japanese Specialists will address this shortly.

@MatildeBC and @KanaTsumoto, do you mind having a look?

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Thank you for flagging this!


@KanaTsumoto Hi, thank you for changing! I found another mistake in the translation!
Could you change this too? (There’s “o” instead of “ka”)

That’s probably right: italian “o” (english “or”) is one of the meanings of the “ka” particle, as in:
ねこ いぬ
neko ka inu
A cat OR a dog.

Hi @carlomattia02,

It’s a bit confusing, but that is actually correct. Here we are showing the meaning instead of the sound of the hiragana. I guess the translation is too short to mark itself as definition…

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I don’t know because that’s not the meaning of that specific particle

Ok then, I will accept that. Thank you