Issue With Speed Review Choices

As you can see, there are 2 identical choices for some items and one of them are wrong. This got me quite a few times and is detrimental to my progress speed.

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This is most likely caused by two entries in the course database being ā€˜ā€˜yes, Iā€™m Englishā€™ā€™, either existing entries or ā€˜phantomā€™ entries that have been deleted but still exist in Memriseā€™s memory.

Either way, Iā€™m afraid to say, there is unlikely to be a fix in the near future (dare I say ever?).

I see, then I guess this will somewhat be a minor inconvenience that we will deal with. I hope (even a slightest glint) a moderator could see this post and at least check this bug out if theyā€™d havenā€™t seen it yet.

Lately Iā€™ve found the Speed Review has ā€˜improvedā€™ to such an extent that it almost constantly asks sets of questions with very similar answers (or ones I always confuse?).

Sadly with a Chinese database of 5000 words, these tend to be identical, identical but for punctuation, synonyms, or lists of definitions in slightly different orders. This makes it basically impossible to progress. Could there be a way to prevent this, or at least an option to turn off ā€œsmartā€ grouping and make the list of answers purely random instead?