Is there some logic in amount of words to review?

Is there some logic in amount of words to review? Like if course has 5000 words, would I at some point need to review 1000 words a day(or more) or does it have some kind of limitations?
There are lot of words which I’m 99% sure I’ll remember, but I would like to avoid to mark them as ignored if they won’t pile up too much.

Coming from someone who’s been on Memrise for the past 2-3 years - it depends. Assuming you review your words every single day without fail and have a reasonable pace of, say, 30 new words/day you should be fine because the system is built in such a way that the “older” words would appear so less frequently that they’re negligible when reviewing.

So unless you don’t review daily or you go too fast with your learning, you shouldn’t have more than 400 words/day tops, this depends on how well you perform in your reviews too. The better you recall, the less reviews you get

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The problem will be that you have to cleanup the backlog, to learn NEW words and catch those next 4h + 12h review intervals.

Unfortunately, you can not split the Memrise queue like AnkiSRS into due <7d and >=7d filtered decks.

My feeling is that you get those older review words first (FIFO), not the 4+12h due words you have learned very recently (LIFO).

I am not 100% sure and I have not counted / detail verified any statistics or the words which I got presented on reviews.

But AFAIU the Memrise system they will probably not intermix due words with different due intervals (1-7 days vs 4+12h vs >7 days) or prioritize the newer learned words vs older words (e.g 24/48, 90/180 days)?!?

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Thanks, that was exactly the answer I was looking for(and hoping for). (Didn’t realize there was a wiki)
For me the prioritization seems to have been working. I was mainly worried that the waiting time for review would stop to few days.