Is there any way to restore a deleted level?

Accidently deleted a level while trying stuff out… put much effird into creating it tho :< is there any way to restore it?

Hi, Reyth.

Was it just the level that was deleted, rather than any database entries? If so, the items should still be in the database itself.

If you don’t know how to access it, you first need at least two levels in the course. After that, a drop-down menu should appear, as shown here:

If the items are still in the database, you should be able to click “Create levels” in the upper right of the database screen, to create a new level with the items.

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If the items are all together in the database, you could tweak the “words/level” setting next to the “Create levels” button, in order to make it so that the items you want are all in the same level when you click it. You would then just need to delete the duplicate levels that are created alongside it.

If they aren’t together in the database, then it admittedly gets a bit tricky. You would need to use the search feature at the bottom of the level editor, in order to import them again. Bear in mind though that the search has been acting very buggy lately, and doesn’t always give you results that match what you typed in. You can verify whether or not you picked the right item by checking to see if a new item was added to the end of your database when you selected one. It should only add an item to the database if you picked one that wasn’t already there.

I don’t know how big the level in question is, so the latter option could or could not be a practical solution. Failing that, maybe @Joshua, or one of the other staff members, could help with actually restoring the level itself.

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I’ve had the same problem - I accidentally deleted two levels for a course I created for myself.
The problem is I’ve already learnt the words and really don’t want to have to go through the learning process again! Even using the autolearn function would be extremely tedious as I have around a hundred words per level and I can’t seem to find a way of autolearning them all in one go. Is there a way of doing this?

I do have a spreadsheet with all the words, but the aren’t in the right order - my levels were in the order I learnt the words in, but my spreadsheet is ordered by category…

I did think about using the ‘create levels’ function from the database, but this would probably take forever as other than the levels I deleted I still have around 900 words, so I’d still have to wade through these to figure out how many words along my deleted levels were, and then also delete all the duplicates.
Any ideas as to what I can do?