I don’t see any way to do it.
What happens when you click the three dots at the bottom of the post to expand the options and then click the trashcan?
Now I’ve replied the result may be different.
Sorry, I don’t see the trashcan either in topics I created (but a long while ago). The Discourse founder has some strange ideas generally, he thinks we shouldn’t be able to delete topics:
You can flag it I guess, and hope Memrise staff puts it somewhere out of sight. You can ask ‘leaders,’ maybe, and they can put it in the Community Leaders category, out of sight, but that’s a messy solution. I’d advocate a new subcategory in Community Leaders if Memrise staff don’t want to deal with this. What do you think @joshua, @OliviaZavala?
I agree with the co-founder of Discourse. He made some solid points why deleting a topic can have it’s downsides. In my opinion, it will prevent unwanted problems from users who claim they accidentally deleted their topic.
If you truly require the topic to be deleted, just send us a PM or flag the topic. It’ll be best to avoid creating topics in the future, for the sole purpose of being deleted afterwards. If you’ve created a thread and had second thoughts afterwards, just give us a shout and we’ll delete/close it for you.