Is shared access for two users an option?

I have purchased Memrise to learn Spanish before heading to Argentina on holiday. My wife would like to access the app on my phone to brush up on her Spanish. But she is already advanced after learning Spanish in school. I am a beginner. Is there any way we can share one account? Or does she need to purchase the app separately? (And can we have the app on multiple devices?) Thanks for any guidance on this.

I have memrise app on tablet and on phone. Both are tied to my google account. My girls (5 & 3) sometimes play with courses I have made for them, including the ones that are not public.
so if your wife uses sometimes your phone to do some training that shouldn’t be a big problem.

Sharing the app is an option. The only problem is that you are a beginner and your wife is more advanced, If you share the same app your wife will go faster through the words and if she remembers still many of the words and enters them correctly then you will get to a level where you cannot advance properly because of the times the words reappear when correctly answered.

In your wife’s case it is better if she gets her own app under her own account. She does not have to get Pro for they are free.

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Thank you both for your responses. Gabriele, it sounds as though my wife should probably stick with her own account via the free level. What would she lose by downgrading to the free account (sorry, I did not use the free version long - I decided to go pro almost immediately.)

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I think the difference between pro version and free version on the phone is that you do not get the “Meet the Natives”… It’s an extra feature that speaks the language and you have to recognize what they said. This would also be only on the Memrise created courses. Otherwise I have no idea what the difference is that I bought the Pro version pretty fast, too.

The other thing is to have your account on her phone, but you both have to make sure not to study the same courses.She can also not take the medium course on the language you take otherwise you run into a problem that the words are learned if she is still good at the language.

I am not sure if Memrise account can be accessed on different devices at the same time.