Is it possible turning different courses into different levels?

I’m an English teacher and during the summer I added the vocabulary my students need to learn through the course of this school year to memrise. Each chapter is a separate course but because they all turn up on students’ homepages some of them were wondering if I could turn them into different levels within one course instead of different courses.

I have not figured out how to do that without having to retype all the words, or if it’s even possible, and I was wondering of there was anyone who could help me with this?

Thanks in advance,

It’s possible to add new levels to one of your courses but I don’t think there is an easy way to populate them with the content from the other courses. (@Arete_Hime - any ideas ?)

Rather than retyping everything, there is the ‘bulk add’ facility - explained here. But you may first need to copy the existing course contents into a spreadsheet. A way to do that is explained here.

However, earlier in the year, there were some problems with the ‘bulk add’ tool (discussed here ) but I think it may be working ok now. I haven’t seen any posts saying it’s not.

Good luck!

You’ve mentioned them both: bulk add and the various ways to export the content from the course.

If at all possible I would certainly make a new course with the chapters as levels. One of the reasons your students have already noticed, another is that on the app it is not possible to review all the courses at once, so your students would have to go into every course and review from there. That gets old fast.

For future reference, I would always make your list outside of Memrise and use the “bulk add” feature @alanh mentioned.

So let’s say you created 12 courses and your students already started learning 3. Unfortunately you cannot get the learning data from the 3 courses into 1 course. So the best thing you can do is rename one of the courses to “chapters 3-12” and bulk add the other courses into new levels you create in that.

Assuming your chapters are less than 100 words, you can just create new levels and bulk add your words into them.

I would sooner assume it wasn’t working.

If you want to teach or test on different things, you can create different databases.