Irregularities Thread for Japanese 2, British Version

Part 1 - Hotel Etiquette

Japanese: 温泉では、服を全部脱いでください

English: please take off all your clothes when in the hot spring

Literal translation: hot-spring-asは、clothesを all take-off-い-で please

Correction suggestion: hot-spring-ATは、clothesを all take-off-い-で please

Hi @KanaTsumoto

I’ve got one more for you:

Japanese: 売り切れる

English: to be sold out

I was of the impression that whenever a word ends i “u” or for example “ru”, then it’s a verb (of course this is not always the case, but I am quite sure it is here). “To be sold out” would be more of an adjective and would therefore end in な or い (also according to the Memrise grammar lesson).

So if we’re talking about a verb and the adjective is “to be sold out” would the correct translation not be “Selling out (depletion)”? I think there is quite a significant difference between the two.

Maybe した could be added to get “to be sold out”, so 売り切れました, but my Japanese is not good enough to know if that is correct.

電車 is introduced oddly late into the course. (The part of Level 2 called “On the Road Again”.

It is introduced after a couple of words it has been used in a sentence.

It’s not a huge thing. I just thought it was worth looking into.

I think I’ve found another error

Japanse 2 – Let’s Hang Out!

Japanese: 晴れ男

English: a man who brings sunny weather with him

Furigana: はれおとこ

Romanji: hare okotoko

(Suggestion correction) Romanji: hare otoko

1 Like売り切れる

It is a verb with this meaning, because it is a verb. English is weird.

There is something that is off with 人を助ける仕事です

The male speaker just says “助ける”, which I suppose is a mistake. If i recall correctly, at least one of the locals also only say “助ける” when the word is introduced.


Needs a question mark at the end.


Also missing a question mark here? Or am I wrong?

As far as I know it’s a matter of consistency. The か particle at the end of a sentence can be taken to mean the sentence is a question, but for clarity and consistency they’ve been adding question marks. As far as I’m aware the addition of the question mark is also becoming more common in Japan, but it is not strictly necessary.

I think you’re right.

Consistincy, however, has in, my experience so far, been quite a big issue, so tightning up loose ends will stil benefit a lot of users, I think.


自由 is kanji but おもしろい is hiragana.

Correct for consistency?

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This one is also a bit silly:

Japanese: まさか!?

English: that can’t be?!

Perhaps the question mark and the exclamation mark should be in same order? It’s possible to get the question wrong if you put them in the wrong order.

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