iPhone X layout obscures text entry box when using predictive text keyboards

I just upgraded from an iPhone 6 to iPhone X two days ago and noticed this issue. I’m learning Japanese using the kana keyboard instead of selecting answers from the answer pool. However, on iPhone X, Apple’s keyboard has a slightly taller layout and using the kana keyboard because of the predictive text panel (to select kanji after entering your kana) which obscures the answer text entry box. I’ve attached a screenshot to show you what I mean.

The ios app doesn’t do ios 12 yet (not properly optimized), so that might be patched out soon.

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Hmmm. That must be frustrating. A lot of the newest iPhone’s have been experiencing difficulties. e,g, someone using the iPhone12 Had a LOT of buggy things for Memrise. Hope it’s fixed soon!

Thanks @TobyDoodler and @MarshallLanguages. I didn’t know about the iOS 12 optimization issues.

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