Unit 1 is great, except the letters pey/fey/lange fey are misspelled as pay/fay/lange fay. Unit 2 starts serious problems. The provided keyboard does not have the ability to type character variations (א, אַ, אָ) and entries from my installed Yiddish/Hebrew keyboard are also not accepted. Example: asked to type the article “an”. Typing אן with provided keyboard doesn’t work. Typing אַן on my keyboard doesn’t work. Typing the אַ on my keyboard followed by the lange nun on the provided keyboard doesn’t work.
I’m guessing this could be a great program if the keyboard entry problems could be resolved. Anyone know who the creator is and if that person is still active on the platform and able to address the issues? Thanks
Provided keyboard on my Android phone does in fact have the ability to add letter variants. Computer version does not.
די הײמ – needs shlos-mem
דער פֿרײַנד – maybe it’s dialectical, but standard Yiddish differentiates between friend and kin (FRAYND/FRAYNT)ָ
ניטאָ – showing translation as “there is”; dictionary definition is “absent, missing, gone away” with the phrase “עס איז ניטטָ קײן” meaning “there is no” – exact opposite
This could be a really great program if the creator would come in and fix a few things. Guess I’m going to have to stop here so I don’t reinforce bad habits. It was fun while it lasted.
Thanks. I’m not seeing how to get into edit mode for the course. Memrise support is no help, other than they said I’m not showing up yet. But that was several hours ago; I’m assuming it should have updated already. If you can direct me to where I should go, I’d gladly fix the little things. You have such a great course overall. I definitely know people who could benefit from it.