Intermediate French - conduite/comportement

Hello @cos. I’m back here again - still on the same course …
I am having recurring issues with the English word “behaviour” in this course. It first comes up in Level 6, as “la conduite” - the behavior; and the second time on Level 45, as “le comportement” - behavior. My problem is in reviews, never knowing which French word to choose, in other words only a 50% chance each time of choosing the right word. Can you kindly review? Thanks.

It seemed to me at first that the course was trying to make a subtle distinction between the two: la conduite as “the behavior” meaning a specific incident/act of behavior, and “le comportement” as just “behavior”, the general concept of behavior.

However, I asked several French speakers, who tell me they mostly see these words used interchangeably, so I think that even if the course did intend to make that distinction, it’s not useful.

In order to continue to teach people both words, I didn’t make them alts. Instead, I changed conduite’s English to “behavior, conduct” to give you a clue as to which one it is.

I do see that both of them already have the other word in the synonym column, so you would not be marked wrong for picking the “wrong” word; memrise should just tell you that you entered a synonym, and give you another chance. I think that’s good.

Thanks @cos. I missed the original intent, as described in your first para above. Thanks for the clue you’ve added - that will help me for sure!