So I’ve used this app for sometime. The only thing is that the words arnt in Japanese symbols. So, the audio is in English and so is the typed words.
For example: for the word “Yes” , it is translated as “Hai” in Japanese but it won’t show the actual symbols…it just includes the English words. How do I input the Japanese symbols ? HELP!
Hi LandonH,
In Japanese 1 for English speakers, the first level is presented in alphabets, then from level 2, everything will be in Japanese script. If you want to get straight into learning in Japanese script, you can skip level one Thanks!
You’re currently doing a romaji course then. Some beginner courses start out in romaji, then later start using kana, and some are romaji all the way through. You can check if it’ll start using kana/kanji by checking what’s in the later lvl’s.