Incomplete Memrise MEMS iOS

Dear Memrise,

I need to report an error on the iOS Memrise app. This error is hampering my learning of the official Memrise A1 German course.

The memes by Memrise often explain important Grammar points. However, these memes often appear incomplete. See examples.

Despite the iOS app receiving a number of updates, none of these updates have fixed this issue.

Please could someone at Memrise fix this issue. I still haven’t learnt (through the Memrise app) why ‘der’ changes to ‘den’ when used mid-sentence.

Thanks for your time.


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That looks like the A1 German course by Memrise?
We have re-structured the A1 and A2 courses and split them into smaller courses with improved and updated course content and mems.

Here they are, arranged in order of ease:
German 1:
German 2:
German 3:
German 4:
German 5:
German 6:
German 7:

Courses 1 to 3 roughly equate A1 level (beginners).
A2 level (intermediate) equates to courses 4 and 5.
Courses 6 and 7 are at B1 level (upper intermediate/advanced)

Thank you Lien for your reply.

I started the old A1 German course approximately 3 months ago and made it to level 51. I then (yesterday) foolishly opted to restart the course because of a period of inactivity. Because I primarily use the iOS app, I am again learning the old A1 course as this appears to be the default German course to learn.

Should I be starting off with a different course instead? For example, German 1 as suggested in your reply?


If you reached Level 51 of A1 German, the German 3 course will be perfect for you.
To help you along, I have learned German 1 and German 2 on your behalf.
When you regularly review German 1 and German 2, along with learning German 3 you’ll be fluent in no time :smiley:
Hope you enjoy the video’s!

Thank you Lien. I was really confused as I finished one module from German 1 and then all of a sudden Memrise showed me that I had learned all of German 1 and 2! I couldn’t understand how! Now I realise why that happened.

Thank you for learning all of 1 and 2 for me. This would have really helped me but I have now decided to start from the beginning as I would like to compare the German 1 and German 2 course with the old A1 course (plus a bit of revision on the basics always helps). I’ve noticed that there doesn’t appear to be any official Memrise memes that help explain the German grammar of words. Do you know if these memes have been intentionally removed?

Thanks again for your help.

You can use the re-start feature to reset your learning progress. My German colleague Mario knows all about the mems for these courses. @mario2189 can you help?

Thank Lien.

Hello @mario2189. I wondered if you would be able to explain why the official Memrise memes aren’t used in German 1 and 2. I found the official Memrise memes in German A1 to be very helpful in helping to understand German Grammar. For example, I have just progressed to level 6 on German 2 and one of the sentences to learn is “lass uns zum Markt gehen”. On German A1, there would have been a meme to explain the word ‘zum’ and how this is a contraction of ‘zu dem’ (dative). But on German 2, there isn’t anything to explain this word. I have also found German 1 and 2 is missing memes on explaining how German word order works. For example on German A1, a meme would have been there to explain sentence word order (I can only think of “naturlich, hatte ich etwas Wasser” as an example for now). German A1 would also include official Memrise memes to explain German word gender (for example using einen or den mid-sentence for masculine nouns). Becuase of this, I worry that I’m just simply learning German sentences and German words and not actually learning the how and why behind German Grammar.

I’ve attached some examples of the official Memrise memes which are really helpful

Thanks for your help and time.

( mems. not memes)

Hi Dean, thanks a lot for your feedback on mems!

The grammar notes used in these mems were confusing as many people as they were helping, so we’ve removed them for the moment. We’re looking for a better way to put them back into the course in a more helpful way in the future.
So as you might have noticed, at the moment we are not focusing our courses on mems…
I’m sorry that his answer is probably not very satisfactory for you at the moment!
have a great day!

Hallo Mario.

Thank you for explaining to me why the mems have been removed. Can I just offer my complete support to the official Memrise mems. I think it is very important that hints are included to help explain grammar changes. For example, why ‘ein’ has now become ‘einen’ or why ‘im’ is used instead of ‘in dem’. I have experience of both the old A1 German course and the new German 1 and 2 courses and I can see the difference in learning by having the grammar notes included.

I really hope a helpful solution can be found soon.

Danke & Alles Gute!

This website is called MEMrise and yet you’ve removed the mems from the site?? If a mem is confusing to you pick a different mem. It seems like this site has issues and so I’ll just go away and not use it for a while and hope stuff gets fixed. Maybe I’ll come back later (or not).

Thanks for your feedback and concerns! We are still using mems, they are not all fully removed from the website. When you learn new words (on web), you can simply click on “Help me remember this” and you will see all mems that have been created for this word. I am sorry that your experience with the Memrise website has not been the best lately and we are aware that the website has potential issues. We are focusing on the development of our mobile apps, so maybe try one of those and let me know what you think! Best, Mario

Lieber Mario,

ich kapiere nicht ganz…

what are you implying /“we are still unsing mems”)? that mems as well will vanish ?:fearful:

I don´t think that’s true, is it @mario2189? You are only shown up to a maximum of 7 mems…and they don’t include those that were created for the same word in another course, which often are better.

Thanks very much for replying, I appreciate that. I was under the impression that you took the mems out of the website, the apps: the company - even if temporarily. I was trying to use mems on my iPhone and that is where I ran into trouble - they’re gone. Pretty much. I submitted a bug report and saw on another forum that others are having issues too but maybe not everyone. When a new version of the app comes out on the app store I’ll try again.

Hi, nein das war eher als Antwort auf “…mems were removed” gemeint. Wir haben Mems nicht von der Website gelöscht. Hoffe das macht es klarer! LG, Mario

.puh… vielen Dank, Mario!

aber ich meinte, Mems werden uns als “feature” doch erhalten bleiben, ja?

you should see “a maximum” of 7 mems on Android, 5 on iOS and an unlimited number of mems on web. Let me know if you are having trouble with that! Best, Mario

Thanks for the reply @mario2189 but I use the web site as my regular learning method and I don’t see more than a maximum of 7 mems. It’s been like that for some time now. I have just checked again in several of my courses using ‘learning’ and ‘preview’ modes.

There was some earlier discussion in this other topic: How to show *all* Mems for a given entry?

the same here