0 voters
(I like Cats better)
0 voters
(I like Cats better)
Ha, Cats are winning yes!
0 voters
would you rather? (hot or cold)
0 voters
0 voters
So, so far no one has voted
0 voters
(your mood today)
0 voters
what is your favourite way of transport?
Add fruit to the list.
0 voters
0 voters
I like Plums and Nectarines.
0 voters
(soccer, baseball, basketball, or tennis) (favourite sport)
I play soccer, It is a great way to keep fit
and grapes are
0 voters
Martial arts, boxing or none
please suggest polls, I am running out of ideas. Thanks!
0 voters
Which one would you rather be with you in your dreams. that clown emoji or the demon emoji?