Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

There is a little confusion here. DECKS will be a website and you can view it on PC or mobile via a browser. There won’t be an app at all for DECKS meaning you will need constant internet access in order to use it from a browser. (defeating the entire purpose of us paying for a subscription if we only want user created content)


As a long time member, course creator and someone who recommended memrise for years this is extremely insulting. Without any offline access or app access to the user content I have no reason to keep using memrise. It’s even more frustrating that you chose to deliver the news with such a short notice, not leaving any chance to find an alternative or letting us migrate the work we done.


Look at your customers’ usage trends. Echoing what is in the comments so far, Memrise’s core customers (the evangelists, those who have been in the community for a long time and happily sell others on the concept of Memrise) enjoy using Memrise on the mobile app platform. Although we do not care whether a course was created by Memrise or the community, there is currently a lot of really good community made content that we enjoying learning from.

Take a look at my chart of learning over the last two months. I’ve dabbled in Memrise created content, but it’s not even close to my learning from community courses. I’m not saying that Memrise has not, cannot, or will not create quality content, in fact I’m planning on starting the newly revamped course for Japanese (looks awesome). By exiling community made content, Memrise is essentially taking away all of the content that costs nothing to Memrise, but makes up a large portion of what the users are using. I’d much rather continue to see all of this content coexist in one app, as others have mentioned.

There are many other companies/apps/platforms where I can and do go to learn from canned courses. What makes Memrise special is the community and the content the community makes.

Please, turn back.


What are some offline friendly alternatives? Or am I forced to go back to handwriting flashcards


This is the most devastating news of the day… :broken_heart:


I agree with everyone. I paid for pro exclusively to use offline community courses on the app. The community courses are vital for anyone above a beginner, or people like myself working on specific learning goals. The community aspect to Memrise is what makes it so useful and unique, and so many people have worked hard creating courses for everyone to use. It feels kind of rude to move all the community courses to a sister website, especially one without an app.

There are a ton of services/apps that already exist for learning the basics for a language, and Memrise’s strength is that users can pick what courses are right for them. I will definitely cancel my subscription, and I know that the irritation of not being able to use the Memrise app for both official and community courses will likely cause me to stop using Memrise all together. As someone who has used this service for years, this really stings.

I am legitimately saddened by this news. I really don’t understand why the two types of courses can’t juts continue to coexist.


Just curious if Memrise be issuing pro rata refunds of annual premium subscriptions due to the missing features and app no longer being available?


Hi, I’m echoing those who are dissatisfied and reckon it’s a wrong turn.

Who is a perfect memrise user from the business point of view? The one who joins and pays for premium features. Ok… joined, learned 7 owesome courses in the chosen language. What’s next? To use user made advanced courses and to create their own. Many need offline mode or just want to support their favourite learning tool.

But what is now? Why to prolong the subscription just to repeat the same courses?

In my view, if you want your causes to stand out, just change the site navigation and the search engine.


Firstly I’d just like to say how fantastic Memrise has been for my language learning over the past few years. Over that time I have tried so many other services/apps and time and time again I have come back to Memrise, as well as recommending it to others. The reason is solely because of the user generated content and the ease of using this on the app. The ability to be able to choose a course specific to what you want to learn, rather than just the basics (which I have almost always found are too generic and not helpful), is what has differentiated this service from all the others. The ease of accessing this with the app is what make this so good - 5 minutes to kill on a bus and you can learn while you’re waiting. I’m sceptical that a ‘mobile friendly website’ will be as easy to use as this, not to mention the loss of followers and people creating content as a result. People have spent thousands of hours creating this content, and I think it is a bit disrespectful to effectively cut it off in this way. I’m appealing to your reputable standing as a business to rethink, or at least alter, this decision.


In addition to everything that has been already said, I’m really upset that a lot of really good audio functions won’t work on Decks. I’ve been using Memrise for a long time, in particular, to study Irish with community-created course - it won’t be convenient to use another website for that and it doesn’t make a lot of sense to keep using memrise app and, especially, as a Premium user… Hope, you’ll reconsider your decision, based on a feedback, that you got here!


I just wanted to add my 2 cents. This is a seriously bad change in my eyes. I have used the community created content for much of my learning (Finnish) and this move means that there is no point in continuing my Memrise pro subscription.

Why would you shoot yourself in the foot over this. This move is mind-boggling to me.


I completely agree with everything everyone else has said above. Removing the content we’ve spent hours uploading and moving them from the APP (which is what we paid for! not a ‘mobile friendly website’) is a complete disaster. If that seriously happens I will be unsubscribing and requesting a refund. You cannot sell a product to so many people and then change what that product is. I use this product because I’m based in China and often the internet isn’t so ‘friendly’ and the offline mode is perfect for my needs. Without that, there is no need for me to continue subscribing for this service.

Someone made an excellent point about Memrise benefitting the most from users spending the time to upload quality courses FOR FREE! Currently the courses offered by memrise themselves are really low level and frankly not that good. You’re basically eradicating your longterm users in a desperate bid to look like Rosetta Stone. That’s not your selling point, your selling point is allowing people to customise their own flashcards so that they’re EXACTLY what they need and not a standardised and irrelevant course that you have.

You’ve made a terrible business decision without consulting your customers, and without looking at the wants and needs of those customers. As you can see from all the feedback above, it’s not a popular move.


Same feeling here. Memrise was great because of its diversity. I started one official Memrise course and so far I am not really impressed, as “what is your postal code?” or “do you work or study” are not really the kind of sentences I am looking for in a new language. I have been a free user for lots of years, I transitionned to pro member to access advanced community courses offline.
Memrise deleted a few years ago the possibility to interact directly with course creators, then we got Ziggy, now this. (And a tons of other stuff in between). Really, does anybody at Memrise remember customer’s satisfaction is an important part of a business?


If i wont be able to use community courses in app so why do i need your paid subscription? I believe that there wont be any refund at all, because sonehow i see how you might deal with that questions.
That change means useless subscription for and force me to find old windows mobile device and keep using “learnwords” application.
Good luck you, guys.


The only thing that occurs to me right now is that I have to finish all my learning with Memrise by mid-March. It’s a shame such a thing happens to the site and app (I got used to the app) but, honestly, I had to expect something like that. All good things come to an end sooner or later.


What about the chains? If my 760 days strike goes away, I may go away as well.

Think positively of it, guys. If it will be a proper split, that Decks thing won’t have the Memrise-created courses. Don’t tell me you aren’t annoyed how those courses are located above others in the catalogue, ignoring the natural selection and being “top” while being not so good.

Long way to go, Memzi.


This makes me sad. I paid for the lifetime pro subscription mainly for three reasons: to be able to use the app in offline mode, to get rid of the ads/reminders to subscribe and to support what you have created here. I use the app exclusively because I study mostly while on the go. I am not using any of the official courses. So now all the reasons for paying are going away. Not that you will care because you already got my money


I got premium last year because not everyone has an internet subscription on their phone.For me the offline mode is a deal breaker, doesn’t matter how friendly and easy to use the app is. I am certain a lot of people think the same way, beside what about those who got a subscription on the terms of having offline mode whose subscription run the entire year still and who now suddenly without the pre knowledge at purchase are confronted by having parts of the main features that they found important missing/removed?


So far I have only learned languages that don’t have any official courses.
Because some languages are “rare”, the only option on memrise is to create your own course from scratch and to learn it.
I live in countries where I don’t have easily accessible or cheap internet access, and I have to rely on offline mode. This means that now you are actively depriving me of the THOUSANDS of items that I created for myself.

I have been paying a membership for two years, but what is the point of it when litterally 100% of the courses I follow will not be available to me on the app anymore?
From from what you are saying, I can cancel my subscription right now, as the only reason I got it was to get access to the app and offline mode.


That’s not your selling point, your selling point is allowing people to customise their own flashcards so that they’re EXACTLY what they need and not a standardised and irrelevant course that you have.

This is exactly it! If I wanted a standardised course I would stay on DuoLingo.