Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Check out also this:

And indeed, as others said, Quizlet comes to my mind first; I shortlisted it with Memrise in the past and Memrise won.

I’ve used Anki with the memrise plug in to make backup for my courses once. Worked really nice, as also the audio files were downloaded (which I had recorded with just Memrise, so audio was not uploaded TO memrise).

This is all speculation; we have no way of knowing what will happen next. Nobody saw this split with the memrise app and the Decks website coming, did they? So it is pointless to speculate, really.

For my own part, I am going to - perhaps naively and misguidedly - stay optimistic, just to give my brain less to worry about in life :smiley:


Well, so much for my goal to reach a year of everyday study, I guess :smile:


I lost my streaks, too! Too distracted by this news to realise I hadn’t done my daily reviewing :frowning:

Nope, here’s the smoking gun:

Note: this quote from a recent job posting from Memrise (you can find by searching Communication Design Manager Memrise):
“ We have just completed an in-depth rebrand project and now have clear direction on how we can best manifest our character through our products and communications. Now is time to bring that identity to life!” - hence “Decks” where community courses are sent to die.


Request a refund. Money talks, and the more money they lose due to this decision they more they’re likely to reconsider this move

Just so you know, there are add-ons for anki which allow you to import your memrise courses (and anyones courses) directly into anki. Hope this helps so you don’t have to remake everything!

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Or they could just not refund you the money. They clearly stated here that unless you have a 1-year subscription and are currently within the 30 days time limit you won’t get a refund. So they’re not legally obligated to do that.

Now, in special cases such as this one, they could make an exception. But I doubt they’re willing to do so.

The community courses are what makes Memrise, if we’re being honest the official ones just aren’t good. This is clearly a move so that they can monetise official courses and increase use of them by removing the more successful community courses that they can’t profit from.
After March I will have no use for memrise. Mobile sites simply don’t cut it for this type of use, it’s why apps exist. They could very easily apply the template of the current Memrise app to Decks but that doesn’t fulfil their goal to make official monetisable courses the only useable option. The idea that they’re giving community courses their ‘rightful place’ whilst resigning them to a mobile website that’s not fit for purpose is utterly disingenuous and shows a blatant disregard for the community which has been responsible for memrise’s success. I encourage everyone who has invested their time and money into the building the memrise community to hit them in the pocket and request a refund of your subscription - it’s the only way to get them to listen.
And if they don’t? Then they can dig their own grave.


They have charged for a service they have admitted they are no longer continuing to provide. That is clear grounds for a refund.

And clear ground to pursue them through the small claims court (which you can file online) if they refuse a refund in a timely manner.

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Not necessarily. Wouldn’t the services be exactly the same on the Memrise app and website? Just without the community courses. I know it sounds like a loophole, and it probably is, but they will technically still provide these services.

I still don’t see it. You are reading stuff into this statement. Which is your perfect right, but I don’t see it.


They clearly said that they don’t have enough resources to properly support Decks.Once community courses are transferred to Decks I’ll move on to not give my brain worries in

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Here we go, no more subscription for me.

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Yeah the mobile SRS algorithm has been broken for quite a while

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Anybody tried Supermemo?

They could try that as a loophole, however as the service encompassed community decks before and thats the sole reason as to why many people purchased it, I doubt it would hold up. it would be detrimental to their reputation. Without the community decks those services are unusable to many subscribers.

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reposting this other thread here, it has good discussion about the same topic