Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Still can’t believe that…
I feel sorry for your time invested, but in the same way for the whole community which did such a great job and made memrise to what it is now. If the management made the right decisions memrise had a great future.

Now it will row into the same level like duolingo, rosetta stone, which are only making language classes for the weeks before your holiday, but definitly not for serious language learners.


Another disappointed lifetime user. I only use off line course of user generated content. Memrise will never develop content for rare languages like Tswana or Igbo, so people like me are going to be left to go use a tool that is inadequate (no off line mode) or search out other tools.

You’re killing your user base.


@LangAddict hey come on, you still have 4 days to reach 367… I’m 200,000 points of reaching level 17 whoppe dee doooo, don’t really care ! but taking advantage of the “last” moments. I see a rise in my “learners” also.

Titanic effet.

I’m still wondering about the rollover if it will be exact March 1 or mid March ? Not really clear…

Hang in there


Mid-March it is.

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This change could have the potential to bring a lot of good (if both sites were planned to get different functions, serving both publics), but I don’t trust Memrise to use it this way. I guess Memrise will just slowly let the Decks die out of neglect in a few years and get rid of the high quality user courses completing with the trashy official ones.

The official courses are simply not a high quality product (the lay out and structure doesn’t look thought out or professional, the content is chaotic, no clear guidelines on the use of the course such as the need for another real course to complement it for grammar and other stuff, no clear goals, too low amount of the vocabulary for the serious learners, etc). I would love to pay for some official courses with vocab from high quality coursebooks (Scritter does that), I would gladly pay for such a service. Or for official Memrise courses based on high quality resources and made by people actually good at language teaching, not just at website making.

The user made courses are often much better and it is sad they won’t be useable in the app and offline, as that is the most convenient way to use an SRS, despite the advantages of the website.

I’d say this change is a huge message that Memrise isn’t interested in the actually successful and dedicated learners (those who have gotten to at least the intermediate level) or in the learners in many countries with more expensive mobile data. In my country, few people can afford to constantly use a website on the go in their phone and not just when we are on a wifi. And no, it is not a third world country or an exception.

I get it that the newbie learners are a bigger market and they are also more likely to pay for low quality products like your official courses, because they simply haven’t got enough experience to find out. But their part of the market is already filled with Duolingo, Babbel, Lingodeer, and many other better basic app courses than yours.

But it is weird you are not cherishing the perhaps a bit smaller, but faithful crowd of the more experienced learners. We’ve learnt to create our own content and share it on your platform, we have already decided to stick to language learning for years. Even if we leave for some time, we tend to come back again. All we’d want would be getting basic services and also knowing Memrise is a reliable company.

I haven’t payed for Memrise yet. Not because of the price. But because Memrise is not reliable and predictable. Memrise asks the Pro users to promise paying or to pay forward for a certain period of time. But Memrise doesn’t ever promise to keep the service the same or to let the paying users opt out of the changes till the end of the prepaid time. Just compare it to Anki. The desktop version is free, and the app is a one time payment. We know what we are paying for, we get awesome customer support, and we know anki won’t turn into something completely different.


This only true for Iphone’s.The app is free for Android users


Thanks for correcting me, I didn’t know.

I am on iphone and I think the one time payment has been a good investment. It’s not that people refuse to pay for anything at all. The android users are lucky.

Anki doesn’t have some of the Memrise’s functions (otherwise we’d all be there instead of here already), but I think it’s stability is a huge plus.


Decks should be open-sourced so we can continue to maintain it in case Memrise won’t continue to maintain Decks, such as if Memrise Inc gets bought or goes bankrupt.


I have only had praise fro this app, I have recommended it to countless voluntary classes and friends as THE gateway to learning a laguage, but this is ABSOLUTE BULLSH*T for a lack of better words.

It all started going south when you went from a creative mem-inspired ranking system to a flat and boring level system and when you introduced the spaceship theme…

I see no reason for this, you’re just shooting yourself in the foot. I’ll be revoking my pro subscription if this goes through.

Hopefully the countless amount of people that also plan to revoke their subscriptions are big enough off a deterent…


I’m in the same page than you, therefore my advice is to back up your courses and progress neither in the app nor in the new site (decks) but into a completely separated place such as Anki that is not linked to Memrise whatsoever.

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If they have changed the terms of the service they are providing they can’t refuse to give a refund. They can try. But they will be hoping you accept their decision, take them at their word and don’t know the law. You can then spend £25.00 going to the Small Claims court after they refuse to refund, and you’ll get your money back from Memrise, plus they’ll have to pay costs and interest if they refused to refund initially and you had to go to court. And damages, e.g. if you can prove the distress over all this carry-on harmed your health, mental or physical (e.g. with a medical letter). While we’re at it, we can report them to Trading Standards and the Ombudsman.


Can we back up things like streaks? Are they offering to migrate those to Decks? As a professional linguist with exams coming up, I need to look at my daily word count for the last year and it’s going to throw everything up into confusion if that’s lost. Or I’ll have to manually enter it into an excel doc and waste time needlessly.
Any idea what the deadline for back up/ manual entry elsewhere is, have they given us a date?
I anticipate that the new migration will be buggy and not to be relied upon . One of my friends, fellow Pro user, had a thousand-word language course she’d created deleted off the system, it just disappeared once, there was no explanation or apology. Anyone else come across that or know what we can do to avoid it?
Why did they do this at this time of year; if they’d have waited until August they wouldn’t be panicking all their users with exams. :frowning:

You are right, trying to figure out what will happen eventually is to speculate. But one thing that is no speculation at all is that Memrise is capable to change its product in a way that severely hinders my learning process without consulting nor asking me about it. This is to happen in March and is no speculation.

My point is I can not trust Memrise anymore as they can change their business plans again with barely no time for the users to react and, even worse, without considering the opinion of those users before applying such a change. I simply do not want to put that many hours of time invested in the hands of a company I do not trust, they do not respect (at least a part of) their customers.


I mean, you also seem to have been invested much effort in your courses by what you’ve said, hence you are so concerned in Decks, whether it would be linked to Memrise so you don’t lose your subscribers coming from other Memrise courses, etc… You are basically at their mercy and you are not in control of the contents you created so patiently and carefully.

Seeing how Memrise disregards all the people who is complaining about this terrible idea of not allowing offline mode community courses and so, I recommend you to at least backup your courses even if you plan to continue using decks. It may have a happy end, but continuing with them without taking any protection measure would be a risky gamble.


FYI, I automatically migrated the courses I am learning to Anki and the progress is carried over as well.

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Is it possible to backup courses including audio, if you are not the creator?

The tables backup is possible (i did it with a copy and paste).
One user on this forum made a memrise scraper, that any users can use:
Unfortunately, it doesn’t copy audio.
And best to ask the course owner if he/she has any objections copying their course.

Edit: Today (26th) I tested, and it is possible to import any course you are studying using Anki and the plug-in for memrise.


I don’t advertise a bloody thing, look well at my profile, why do you imply things??? I can retort any time: why do you advertise various childish apps in here? learning is much more than a phone app…

I understand the atmosphere is rarefied, but please keep your projections to and for yourself

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Ok. Memrise has done a lot of crazy things in the past, the escapade with Mems, the Ziggy avatar that ruined the system. But they managed to recover, but this? There’s no turning back now. This really takes the cake for being the worst decision ever… Like many others. I’m very opposed to this, first of all. They’re killing off the app? Around half of Memrise users use the mobile version. This will really make Memrise lose members, I may not be a huge user of the app. But it’s a generally stupid idea, saying it’s “mobile friendly” isn’t helping, it will be really buggy for a lot of phones, as some older phones can’t handle a website of this scale. So great job Memrise! Have fun losing all your mobile users and most of your PC users.

Secondly, because of them removing Chatbot, Grammarbot, Learn with Locals, Pronunciation, Grammar etc. This will again be a huge loss. As Memrise Pro (if there will be it) will be useless, this limits users to Learning and Reviewing. I don’t want to be completely negative, but you aren’t giving me anything positive to work with, Memrise gave users the ability to work at an advanced level. Where there are many innovative ways to expand on your learning. And now that will disappear, with Memrise too. Turning into yet another average language learning site.

Have you also considered that moving the courses will over-complicate matters far too much. First, the Official courses (that will remain on the normal site) are one of the key elements of Memrise, but the user created course community is too! Separating the 2 types of these courses isn’t the best idea, yes, the Official Courses have the most users on, but the user created ones are vital. These let users expand on extra things that the Official Courses may not teach, this is what makes Memrise so good, we aren’t fixated on one course that they ask us to do. We actually have a choice with these community created ones, with what to learn and do. Also, isn’t making 2 different websites harder than keeping just the one? It’s bizarre.

So this is it, the death of Memrise. I will be one of the few users who moves onto Decks, but shall use it far less often, Memrise should really notice that this a huge step backwards and is clearly a mistake to make, I’m happy Memrise will stay partially alive as I don’t want it to completely die. So Good Luck Memrise with ensuring this will last, but I personally think it’s too late, I won’t be quitting as I think this is a wonderful community, but I’ll be sad to see everyone go. :frowning: So I hope at least one other user will stay. I’m not staying because I like the Decks idea, just pity for Memrise. :confused:

I guess I will be seeing most of you on Duolingo. :wave:

And a poll or 2 to finish.

  • I’m staying
  • I’ll be leaving Memrise.

0 voters

  • Decks is wonderful!
  • I’m neutral on this.
  • I’m opposed to Decks.

0 voters

These polls won’t change anything, as the development has gone too far. But we need opinions on this, to get our voices heard. #Memrexit is here…


Sure, I imported a course with audio into Anki of which I am no contributor neither the creator of without any problem, by using this Anki add-on.

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