Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

I’ve got a question: How will levels, words learned and points be handled when Decks is launched? Will these be synced across Memrise and Decks, or will there be separate levels and points for each site?

I couldn’t find anything in the FAQ to answer this. :thinking:

@Vikestart yes there will be separate levels, words learned and points on each site for your user. Here’s a bit more info on how that will work.

Imagine you have 20,000 points or words learned when Decks goes live. Both Decks and Memrise will show the same total. Then, after the beta period when community courses are removed from Memrise and only on Decks, the 20,000 number will move on a different trajectory on each site depending on your learning on each site. If you get 1,000 points one week on official courses then your Memrise total will be 21,000, and if you get 2,000 points on community courses then your Decks total will be 22,000.

Hope that helps


I am very sad about the change. The community courses is what set Memrise apart from the other language app. Last year I had a choice of using Babble for Norwegian or Memrise. I picked memrise because it would give me access to Finnish and Nahuatl. I paid the subscription so that I could work on them offline. I switch around those languages, and recently I had been focusing more on Finnish and Nahuatl.

I have already cancelled my pro account to send the right economic signal. The two reasons why I picked memrise, community courses and offline access, are gone.

I agree with the many people who said that it didn’t have to be like this. Had you split the apps and ask us to pay for Decks, I would have kept my subscription.

If there is a change of heart, I will come back. In the mean time, thank you for providing a great service for so many years. I am deeply sad that you chose to destroy a company this way. I wish you good luck for the sake of the workers of memrise. Hopefully your new product will replace the cancellations and will allow you to prosper.


I am also very sad about this development. Some time ago, I learned Norwegian and Spanish with Babbel and discovered then the great community created courses. There were so many helpful and various courses available, that one year ago I decided to learn exclusive with Memrise and give the developers some money to improve the app - I purchased a lifetime pro account. I loved all the diversity in memrise and despite with all the annoying changes the app and its users had to endure I stick with Memrise. Because just these many great community courses - THESE make the difference. Not your own memrise basic courses. These are comparable with Babbel or Rosetta Stone (both tried). I loved learning with the android app. I had normally used the offline feature, but with all the problems such as not counting streaks or audio not working properly I gave it up and just learned online with your app.
I REALLY DISLIKE the web page, because I think it is not really user friendly and I don’t like the timer. You have not enough time to think about the proper answer if there are really long sentences to read and translate. It kind of stresses me and that is really not the feeling that I want to have while learning languages.

@kevin5284 will there be a timer on decks? And if it will be, is there an option to turn it off?

Decks is already such a bad idea without app and offline support so pls let there be no timer! I really regret having paid the lifetime pro account… Unfortunately there is no way to get my money back :frowning:


Hi @SunnyAnnie , I’m a user like you :slight_smile:
In an earlier post, Kevin5284 answered a question about the timer:


Este cambio me desconcierta mucho. Acabo de adquirir Memrise Premium Anual y fue precisamente por los cursos hechos por la comunidad que lo adquirí. A mi parecer aún mejores en cuestión de vocabulario que los hechos por Memrise. ¡¡Y ahora los quieren quitar de la aplicación para dejarlos en una simple página web!! . A mi parecer eso no es “darles el lugar que se meceren” (como dicen en su correo de notificación). Los están desacreditando. Que mal que ya no podré usar la app para seguir mejorando. Me siento muy mal por esta decisión.


Possible (computer) translation of @PatriziaTo’s post:

This change puzzles me a lot. I just acquired Annual Memrise Premium and it was precisely because of the courses made by the community that I acquired it. In my opinion, even better in terms of vocabulary than those made by Memrise. And now they want to remove them from the application to leave them in a simple web page !! . In my opinion that is not “give them the place to rock” (as they say in their notification mail). They are discrediting them. Too bad that I can not use the app to continue improving. I feel very bad for this decision.

Thank you for your comment and apologies if it isn’t 100% correct as I don’t speak Spanish and I used a translator.

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Hi @MemriseSupport @kevin5284, have you posted a translation of this announcement in all languages - either in “Announcements” or under the Language ‘tree’?

What is astounding to me is that the damn timer has been on the website since the day I joined several years ago. People have been complaining about it for literally years and asking for a way to disable it (luckily there was a user script). It is this exact issue I have in mind when I receive the news about Decks website with great pessimism.

I mean, how can you say you try to listen to users concerns when this timer thing has been annoying people for literally years? Think of all the lame ass changes that have been put in the last two years (ziggy, etc.), when this super simple issue which was reported many times by frustrated issues has gone completely unaddressed. Just this one basic thing that would surely take very little time to fix has gone on festering for so long. It makes me have zero confidence that the new website will be helpful.


The announcement letter I received on Feb 20 was translated into my language (though we don’t know how many users were emailed by Memrise authorities, maybe only course creators).

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That’s good - but although I knew about this change, I haven’t received any letters or emails about this (yet).

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I am literally amazed that some people find the timer the big problem. I have been in here for a long time as well, I took and take phrases courses for Japanese and Mandarin etcetc and never had a problem with the timer. I had/ have a problem with the bar being too short (therefore being unable to see the whole of the sentence, a problem that still exist).

What about the mems (you see only 5 max 7, and they don’t circulate among courses anymore, like until 2 years ago), auto-ignore, direct links to fora etc.

Would you rephrase it to “some’” people, please? If I take the time, I find probably some 100-200 people in here complaining about that.

If the timer is gone, then I need a script to put it back…

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Ok, fair point. Some people like the timer and some people don’t I guess. It just seems weird to me that the website has it and the app does not, and without third party work arounds there seems to be no way to change that on either platform. How about a checkbox or something to enable the timer?? My point is that it illustrates well the fact that this company does not appear to take feedback and make useful changes to the product, instead pouring their resources into changes which have no benefit or even make the product worse. You mention numerous other examples. Another one is that serious errors in official courses seem to go unfixed for long periods of time. Just doesn’t inspire confidence that Decks won’t be garbage or that I can trust the company to act sensibly and do right by paying customers.

All the same, I appreciate Kevin responding in this forum.


Practising vocabulary is not a race there’s no advantages of the timer at all but since I’m for giving all users the choice I’m not with removing it completely people should be able to able and disable it.



This Week

Invitation to the community to discuss “Decks” hosted by Ed Cooke

Thursday, March 7th at 7pm
Memrise, 3-5 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX

nearest stations:
Liverpool Street (Mainline, Central, Hammersmith & City, Circle, Metropolitan)
Aldgate East (District, Hammersmith & City)

I will be attending.

Also attending @scmelville @tommcb @silentshuffle

May attend @houssam.alissaed

Anyone else in London/ Willing to travel to London?


By the way, if someone missed this post by Kevin from Memrise team


Thanks for highlighting Kevin’s post.

I also would like to participate this discuss, but I live in Poland and don’t have opportunity to be able in London this time and not Muttersprachler in Englisch :frowning:

but also want to speak about:

  1. offline mode
  2. mobile app for android
  3. Pro Version for use of offline and app for community created courses
  4. how to modify course, which I contribute (I am not able to add columns and still waiting for reply here [solved] add columns in course - (admin deleted account, i'm only contributour) ), last time I waited about one month for action.
  5. how administrations can help course creators and contributors of abandoned courses.

Thank you for attention :smiley:

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Hi @DW7 we sent users an email and in-app message, which linked to a webpage with further information on Decks, in all languages. We kept the forum announcement and FAQs in English though to make it easier to respond to questions.

I saw you said that you didn’t receive an email about this, which is puzzling. I’ve asked our CRM team to look into that

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Hi @kevin5284, I am pretty sure I haven’t had an email - I did search before reporting that. If you know when it was sent I’ll double check.

Although I don’t use the app much, I have been using it a bit just to check I can still access User courses as well as your Italian ones on the App, but have not seen any messages pop up.

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