Important Update: Upcoming changes to Memrise community-created courses

Need a third option,
“I will make my own Memrise with blackjack and hookers”

@MarshallLanguages just to confirm what @amanda-norrsken said in case it’s unclear - the Memrise app will continue to exist but it will only work for official courses in future.
And learning modes like Learn with Locals and Pronunciation will continue to exist on Memrise, they aren’t affected.

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@amanda-norrsken yes that feature will be on Decks and it will be the same as today.

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Hi @flamantrose , yes mems will be transferred with their courses.
And the stats on the course card will continue to be there.
The course search functionality on Decks will be the same as current Memrise.
We’ll update the FAQs to make this clearer.


@Hombre_sin_nombre Sure
1 & 2: There’s no catch. Even when you expect to make revenue as a developer from an app, you need to balance that against the cost of building and maintaining it. In this case the cost is really the maintenance, and at the moment we don’t think the economics work unfortunately. The website is cheaper for us, and the majority of community learning happens on the website
3. No if that was the purpose then we wouldn’t be spending time on making Decks. The purpose is having a separate technical system since the two products are diverging


Will we be able to disable the timer on the decks site? I use the app 100% of the time so I’m used to not having a timer. The courses I use have long sentences that I have to type out so the timer makes it impossible. If it can be disabled, I might be able to get used to the Decks site if it works well, but otherwise I would have to make the switch to some other app. I’m aware of userscripts to disable it, but not on the iphone where I will be doing all of my reviewing.


Not really the place here, but since this thread has gotten so very much confusing so that others may have the same problem: on the top right of each posting that refers to someone else’s posting you’ll see the name of the user a posting refers to. This is actually a link - if you click it, the posting will be loaded into the posting you’re looking at (quite a nice feature!). Oh, and if there’s a quote, you can expand that too if you click the little down-arrow icon (I never know how to call that little triangle, sorry) or go to the post by clicking the up-arrow icon. HTH!

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You could already log into with your mobile device and check out the sub-par UI when using memrise online – I doubt Decks will be much better and they will not exactly put any of their engineering resources on fixing Decks UI or Decks bugs.


@kevin5284 Thank you for the replies

I guess it makes sense, you have to pass by the login page so direct 301 links don’t make sense. It has been years anyway since my courses were crawlable by Google.

Be careful with links in the mails this one in the announcement of Ed was broken. probably deserves a 301 redirect.

All in all I really DO HOPE that learners of community courses (those who haven’t created a course) will all be notified in due time, it could be quite a surprise.

Thanks again

I’m sorry, what do you mean by

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In the past, maybe 5 years ago, my courses were indexed by Google Search Engines. In order to be indexed, they needed to be crawled by the famous Google search bots.

The later ones I created never were indexed by Google, partly on account of the architectural structure change 3 or 4 years ago, changing the internal search engine algo of Memrise to promote their own courses. Mine fell completely off the front page for French on Memrise search.

A few people found them and they are still used by learners whom I hope will be notified of this upcoming change.

Maybe with the dedicated internal search engine on Decks, this could change for the better!


@kevin5284 Thanks again for your replies and efforts in what seems to be a hercules task in communications for this upcoming Decks platform.

If the search functionality on Decks is to be the same as the current Memrise, does that mean that Memrise Created Courses will continue to be displayed at the top before all Community Created Courses ???

Thanks in advance…


I can explain you what happened, though I’m not an engineer (well, correct me if I’m wrong).

Most likely Memrise disabled so called robot.txt file, you might have heard of it, and therefore search engines just do not see your courses.

The robots.txt file is a text file that tells web robots (most often search engines) which pages on your site to crawl. It also tells web robots which pages not to crawl.


Non I don’t think it is likely that they disabled the robot.txt file (20 years+ experience in the industry :slight_smile: very unlikely thing to do.

It is just very hard to get a page indexed by Google when it takes more the 3 or 4 clicks to find it. Now I am wondering if they will continue to promote Memrise created courses on the Decks platform via the internal search engine. No matter. That wouldn’t change anything at this point.

I suspect that the split may be a technical concern as well. This is a huge endeaver.

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Well, they control so they could do any messaging they want on that web site. If they are a commercial company of course they will actively try to get new users to use their Pro app instead.

Don’t tell me that Memrise is going to transfer all the Community Created Courses to a 3rd party platform dedicated to building patios :wink: Codswallop!


Yep, they will do. That for creating communities that support a company.

I place my bet that they are not moving to and that they do not own the domain nor that site.

so there

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Interesting, and both have been taken (redirection). Maybe UK site? I don’t know their story about the URL…

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Maybe on that site those are the first courses moved and Memrise started with courses about building patios? :stuck_out_tongue:

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