“Since focusing on our own language courses, we’ve grown twenty times over, and a very small proportion of learning on our mobile apps now happens on community-made courses.”
That’s not surprising as if you only use the app, rather than the website, you wouldn’t even know community made courses exist. As it is there’s no functional search for community courses. If you actually promoted community courses for immediate/ advanced learners and those that have completed the Memrise course for their chosen language, you would have MANY MORE MULTI-YEAR LOYAL SUBSCRIBERS. I suggest you call one of your investors and ask them to explain to you why a customer that subscribes for ten years (including price rises) is worth more than one that only wants to use your app for a few months.
My history with Memrise is that I was a subscriber for several years using the Memrise courses for Korean (which was before a number of your competitors launched with far superior beginner courses e.g. LingoDeer). I then started weekly evening classes. I was fully intending to unsubscribe to Memrise as I hadn’t used it for many months, when I remembered the community courses and found a whole series of community made courses (with audio!) to accompany the textbooks we follow in class.
"Why no mobile app for Decks?
The decision to create Decks as a website only is down to resources (though the site will work smoothly on your mobile web-browser)."
This is an assertion, not a statement of fact. If you are so confident in this mobile website, then launch it for six months and allow your loyalest users to compare it to the app experience (keeping the community courses in the Memrise app). Apps exist because mobile browsing is generally a poor experience. It doesn’t take many resources to fork the app which YOUR EXISTING COMMUNITY USERS ARE GENERALLY HAPPY TO PAY FOR. MANY USERS ALSO WANT OFFLINE ACCESS.
"Why no monetisation?
Focusing all our resources in developing the Memrise apps and website will also allow us to maintain Decks as a free website. We won’t actively invest in creating new learning features for it, but we also don’t have plans to make money from our learners on Decks."
Why do you want to lose paying subscribers. I’m happy to pay for online and offline access THROUGH AN APP, to community courses. If the Memrise courses improve, I would be happy to PAY FOR TWO SUBSCRIPTIONS.
Sorry I do not accept the resources argument. Drops has over 30 apps on Google Play. Clone the existing Memrise app and call it “Decks”.
What you are proposing means less revenue and a poorer user experience, with many users abandoning you for other platforms.