Images not displaying when editing entries

I have noticed today that, when trying to edit entries in my image-based courses, the images are not displaying when I click on the drop-down box. An example is A World Geography (with audio). - by alanh - Memrise and what I’m seeing is:

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@alanh, are you sure that they’re still in the course? You might want to try wiping your browser’s cache and doing a review session in that course and see if the images are still there (if you haven’t already :slight_smile:)

Hi @neoncube, Thanks. Yes. All the images display ok in all the levels of all the courses (I have three image-based courses) but they no longer display in the drop-down box for any of the items in the edit pages. It now just shows a ‘blank square’ for each image there (as in the screenshot).

Before today, whenever I have added new items or replaced images for existing items in any of these courses, the current pictures displayed in the drop-down box, so that I could select the relevant image I wanted to edit where an entry has more than one image associated with it.

I have cleared the cache on my laptop but it makes no difference and I have the same issue on my iPad. It has never displayed ‘blanks’ before. :confounded:

@alanh ~ I am seeing the same issue in my image-based courses. The images no longer appear when in edit mode, just a small white rectangle and the gray trash can. They obviously used to appear. I have many image-based courses.


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Sorry, I was posting kind of late at night and probably should have waited until I was thinking more clearly to post.

Anyway, I just checked one of my course that uses images, and I’m seeing the same problem.

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Thanks @pdao and @neoncube.

I hope it’s just a bug that’s crept in and can be fixed easily when @Joshua or @BeaTrisy gets a chance to take a look. :crossed_fingers:

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Ya, hopefully :slight_smile:

I encountered the same issue today. It does indeed seem to be a bug. To get technical for a moment: when I perform element inspection in my browser, the image tag has no “src” attribute but the image is there in the “data-src” attribute instead.

I was able to temporarily fix it after loading the page by running the following bit of JavaScript (by pressing F12 and entering it in the console command line):

$("img.url").each(function(idx) { $(this).attr("src", $(this).data("url")); })

Of course, this fix works only locally, so every time (a part of) the page gets reloaded, it has to be done again.


A short review session…

Hi @DvSt,

Yes. I’m getting the same thing now when reviewing my image-based courses. It’s a different bug, though, and may be linked to the other strange things that have cropped up today. I’m going to report it in the ‘review not working’ thread. :frowning_face:

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@DvSt @alanh The URL appearing in the learning session is a different issue which is now fixed


@daniel.zohar Thanks very much Daniel. Hope you can fix the original issue, too, when you have caught up with the more pressing ones discussed elsewhere. Cheers!

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@neoncube, @pdao, @hrothberht, @DvSt,

The edit function has been fixed. I’m now seeing the images in the dropdown box again. Thanks @daniel.zohar!

@alanh, @neoncube, @DvSt, @hrothberht, @daniel.zohar,

I also see images again in edit mode. Thank you !