Image-based course freezes after a completed session

Hi! I’ve started creating a an image-based course
and on Android Phones it shows a blank “page” after you complete a new word learning session or a review. Five people with five different android phones have used it so far and everyone has faced the issue :frowning:
Eveything is fine on a web browser though.

I’ve also created a similar course
and it has the same issue…

I’ve been having this with every course on my android today. An image-based course (american sign language 1) is sluggish while testing on the website, I haven’t tried it on the android today.

I’ve tested my courses on an iPhone X and they work :confused: So it seems there is a problem with Android app

I’m still getting a long delay after finishing a learning session or a review session. Is there anything known about this, any suggestions other than restarting my phone (I tried that)?

Hey, we released a fix for this bug after completing a session. Please update to the latest version and please let us know if you’re still experiencing this bug.

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Now it freezes for me, takes more than a minute to load a session. Worked without problems before.

still freezing even after today’s update. Works more or less OK with short courses, seems like longer ones are causing the problem.