This is my first post, been using memrise for 2 years now for Japanese but the price increase is ridiculous so I am going to cancel my subscription for now.
Does anyone know if your progress is saved when you cancel subscriptions and renew at a later date?
I may want to continue the course later in the year or next year but it would suck if I had to start from scratch.
Not trying to keep you paying for your sub and I don’t even know about the prices (or any recent increase), but since you’ve been paying for 2y now - did you know that you can purchase a lifetime license? I did in 10/2017 and payed € 99,99. Might be worth considering.
Oh, and I couldn’t imagine that you’d loose your progress when going back from pro. But I’m sure @MemriseMatty or @MemriseSupport can shed light on this?
Wouldn’t it be the case that, on cancelling a subscription, you simply revert to the ‘free’ version (at the end of the current subscription period) and can continue to progress any courses you are taking, but without access to the ‘extras’ that a subscription buys you (eg ‘learn with the locals’)?
Canceling a subscription would not remove any course progress Subscriptions are only to provide access to premium content. Course progress and words learned etc. will remain when switching between Free and Premium subscriptions.